Media of the Year - 2003

Lawrence Journal-World


Mike Miller is one of this year’s Media of the Year Award winners for his efforts to promote wrestling coverage for the Lawrence Journal-World.

As prep sports coordinator for the Journal-World, Miller provided weekly coverage of Lawrence and area wrestling competitions, as well as previews, Athlete of the Week honors, dual coverage, and features on individuals having successful seasons. The Lawrence Journal-World selected an All-Area wrestling team, with a full-page spread of each individual selected with a group photo as well. He provided pre and post coverage stories for the late-season competitions such as league, regionals, and state. The coverage often included exciting action pictures and in-depth reporting with quotes from wrestlers and coaches.

Miller graduated from the University of Kansas, graduating with a journalism degree in 2000. After working as Sports Editor for the Osawatomie Graphic briefly, he accepted the position of High School sports coordinator for the Lawrence Journal-World. He has since moved to Seattle, Washington, working as sports producer/copy editor for While working in Osawatomie, he also covered youth wrestling throughout the spring.

“It’s a sport that I grew more fond of the more I had the chance to cover it,” Miller said. “Meeting wrestlers, coaches, and their parents gives a person an appreciation for the sport, which can be tough considering the amount of coverage the sport normally receives. Of course, if we, as the media covered the sport more, all that might change. Until then, the sport’s intimacy and passion by its participants and fans are the most amazing aspect of this truly underappreciated sport.”