Kansas Wrestling

Problem in D2

Posted By: 789ou812

Problem in D2 - 03/11/07 09:26 PM

What was all of the fuss about at D2 yesterday that the cops had to come out there and settle it all out??
Posted By: Tator T.

Re: TOHK - 03/11/07 11:15 PM

Oh I want to know too!!!! I wasn't there. We were at North 1
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: TOHK - 03/11/07 11:31 PM

If someone was ejected I hope the proper paperwork is filed, but I won't hold my breath waiting.
Posted By: 24/7

Re: TOHK - 03/12/07 01:07 PM

Same stuff from the same people every year.

Posted By: keplar99

Re: TOHK - 03/12/07 01:35 PM

somethings never change
Posted By: cantwhoopme

Re: TOHK - 03/12/07 04:12 PM

Hey TOHK How did Brogan Humphrey do last weekend?
Posted By: VanFam7

Re: TOHK - 03/13/07 02:12 AM

It's posted. Looks like 1st in a two man bracket.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: TOHK - 03/13/07 03:39 PM

It can't always be the other guys fault. Someone has to get control of the situation. Will there be police on hand before next weeks match?
Posted By: firehawk88

Re: TOHK - 03/13/07 03:50 PM

there are no listed "official ejections" on the web site.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: TOHK - 03/13/07 04:46 PM

Posted By: master blaster

Re: TOHK - 03/13/07 04:55 PM

The WWC coach may have overreacted but I cant say I wouldn't have done the same thing, no coach should ever talk trash to a 14 year old wrestler! Thats low class. I thought the tourney director listened to all sides and handled the situation really well before making the decision to eject the coaches involved. In talking to some other coaches and parents its always the same people involved almost every week and to be honest its really getting old.
Posted By: Jason Murdock

Re: TOHK - 03/14/07 02:36 AM

Maybe the WWC coach as well as everybody else should have found out what was said before making judgements.It's funny how people can make excuses for the behavior of certain clubs yet rush to judgement when it comes to Hard Knox,I see bad examples from every club every week.Just about anybody who was matside could tell you some pretty horrible things that were said about 13 year old Daniel,from a certain WWC parent.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: TOHK - 03/14/07 02:50 AM

Why are we always talking about the same individuals matches? The judgements can be called many things. "Rushed" is not one of them.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: TOHK - 03/14/07 11:06 AM

 Originally Posted By: Jason Murdock
Maybe the WWC coach as well as everybody else should have found out what was said before making judgements.It's funny how people can make excuses for the behavior of certain clubs yet rush to judgement when it comes to Hard Knox,I see bad examples from every club every week.Just about anybody who was matside could tell you some pretty horrible things that were said about 13 year old Daniel,from a certain WWC parent.

Taunting the opponent is ALWAYS inappropriate and should result in disciplinary action. Besides that, what was said went well beyond taunting. At what point do we start to hold any club who has these problems consistently, responsible? If a club is unwilling to control their wrestlers, coaches or fans then we as a governing body need to sanction that club!
Posted By: keplar99

Re: TOHK - 03/14/07 12:13 PM

It doesn't matter what was said to the other kid, an oppossing coach has no need to talk to the othe wrestler. I dont care if they affered to by him a ring pop after the match its UNCALLED FOR
Posted By: loud&proudmama

Re: TOHK - 03/16/07 03:31 AM

Don't know what happened, and further more, don't really care. I do have a little problem with people talking down a club like TOHK. Maybe everyone doesn't agree with how they choose to handle a situation, but I will say as a parent/coach, I have seen plenty of other situations this year alone that had just as much reason to have cause for major concern in regards to coaching, handling of kids, etc. If TOHK did something that offended anyone, I would like to believe it wasn't intentional. People need to back off of this club and give them a break! My son has wrestled with this club on occasion, and they have taken him in as one of their own, treated him with the utmost respect, and have taught him to be a better wrestler. Find something else to focus on...TOHK is an excellent club, and has done my son right!
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: TOHK - 03/16/07 09:09 AM

 Originally Posted By: loud&proudmama
Don't know what happened, and further more, don't really care.

It is never acceptable behavior for a coach to make derogatory remarks to the opposing "wrestler" after the match.

 Originally Posted By: loud&proudmama
I will say as a parent/coach, I have seen plenty of other situations this year alone that had just as much reason to have cause for major concern in regards to coaching, handling of kids, etc.

If, as stated above, you do not know the circumstances surrounding this event you are speaking from total ignorance.

 Originally Posted By: loud&proudmama
If TOHK did something that offended anyone, I would like to believe it wasn't intentional.

The action(s) were intentional and your attempt to rationalize the behavior is misguided. If the same comment was made to your son or the same alleged comment which was made to the wrestler's mother made to you, I am quite certain you would have a different mind set.

 Originally Posted By: loud&proudmama
People need to back off of this club and give them a break!

Were this a first or second time offense I would wholeheartedly agree. However this unacceptable behavior has gone on for YEARS.

 Originally Posted By: loud&proudmama
My son has wrestled with this club on occasion, and they have taken him in as one of their own, treated him with the utmost respect, and have taught him to be a better wrestler. Find something else to focus on...TOHK is an excellent club, and has done my son right!

The passion for the sport and the loyalty displayed for their teammates is to be highly commended - it is the poor sportsmanship and unacceptable behavior which brings unnecessary spotlight on the club and their membership.

I also will commend Coaches Taylor (Kenny, Kenny Jr., and Gaylen) and Coach Knox for their attempts to correct this behavior.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: TOHK - 03/16/07 02:59 PM

Good post Richard. The light needs to shine on those individuals that are involved. It should not be an indictment on the club. This has been swept under the rug for too long. Stand up and do the right thing here!

Eric Johnson
Posted By: loud&proudmama

Re: TOHK - 03/17/07 11:34 PM

Hope everything will be resolved for all parties involved. My apologies if I offended anyone w/ my post. Just voicing my thoughts...didn't mean to upset the apple cart. SORRY!
Posted By: TheTiger

Re: TOHK - 03/18/07 12:34 AM

I think I will weigh in on this topic. First and foremost. I have had the "pleasure" of officiating many matches involving TOHK kids. And surprisingly enough most of the time they are just as decent as the next club. The problems start arising as soon as a TOHK kid gets behind in a match. At this point is when the parents start trying to officiate the match themselves and give no consideration that the official on the mat just might know what the are talking about. That being said... too many times have I witness outlandish behavior out of SOME of the coaches and parents of the club. I can say in all my dealings with the club Coach Knox has NEVER raised his voice to me when he didn't like a call I made. Hes always been polite albeit frustrated and I understand that. Being sportsmanlike is the only way you will get any kind of attention from me.

Now I can't say the same things about a few of the other coaches for the team. What I will say is I think its time for Charlie to start doing something about his coaches and parents. Its him that needs to stand up and say I don't want my club represented this way. I think thats very important considering they have tremendous talent every year and most of it doesn't involve dirty wrestling and the like. TOHK is a competitive as Purler's kids with an unfortunate side of bad behavior.

This is a call out to Mr. Knox himself. I have alot of respect for you but you HAVE to get your club back in order. I really feel like even though this has gone on for years, eventually its going to come to a head. This could be as serious as a revocation of your club charter and I'd hate to see that. Now thats on their side. On the officials side of things, if they come to the table and question a judgement you KNOW what you are supposed to do. Warning and then ejection WITHOUT QUESTION. And we aren't just talking about coaches. Im talking about the wrestlers and the parents too. Let me also mention that this doesn't just apply to TOHK this applies to every other club too.
I know tournament directors don't like to see ejections but sometimes thats what you have to do. Its time to start making an example out of ANY team whose members act up.

In conclusion... I want to see clubs here in Kansas stop acting like little babies and thinking the world is against you because its not. Wrestling is available to everyone, blind, deaf, missing limbs etc. Don't let our sport get ruined like so many others because you think you have something to prove. Be a sportsman, be a competitor, and above all else, follow the golden rule.

Thanks everybody.
Posted By: Disney

Re: TOHK - 03/18/07 01:12 AM

Tiger -
I just don't understand how (apparently in all seriousness) you can call out Charlie Knox on anything or tell your fellow officals to stop being afraid when you won't post your name.

I would take what you had to say a lot more seriously if you weren't hiding behind the mask.

You may (or may not) have valid points but how can you give it any credence when you yourself are afraid to let us know who you are.
Barry Disney
Posted By: TheTiger

Re: TOHK - 03/18/07 01:27 AM

Mr. Disney,

I am quite sure you know who I am. I don't post under my real name here because I don't wish to draw personal attention to myself or my career. Me lending my name to this call won't make it any more or less important. I'm not testifying here Barry, this is a personal decision to be made by Coach Knox.
Posted By: Disney

Re: TOHK - 03/18/07 01:55 AM

Actually, I haven't a clue who you are. I think you write well and may have some valid points. I just think that when you call someone else out by name you shoul leave your name. Honestly, how fair is it to Charlie when someone post something like you have but don't put your name on it? It is just seems ironic to me that you make this post but won't sign it. But to each his own........
Posted By: Top

Re: TOHK - 03/18/07 02:43 AM

In this instance Tiger makes some good points. What's wrong with expecting someone to gain control over a situation before it spirals out of control? Too many times it appears officials and tournament directors are called to questionable coaching behaviors or fan actions/reactions for one club in particular, only to see the directors and officials take no apparent action. Also, good reference to Purler wrestlers and coaches who wrestle aggressive and hard, but never seem to be questioned for poor sportsmanship or questionable coaching or fan reaction. At least not at any tournamnet I have seen them at. I did witness the events today and I am sorry to say I was not shocked to find out no one was ejected because something likes this happens every few weeks. In this instance Mr Furches has a right to be upset, it would be hard not to take what happened personally. I'll leave that at that, but I think it's time for all clubs to get control over the coaches wearing thier club shirt and remind all fans, they belong in the bleachers and there is a difference between rooting for your wrestler and degrading the other wrestler.
Posted By: wanwan21

Re: TOHK - 03/19/07 02:10 PM

Mr. Furches, please be honest with what happend this past Saturday, so that these nasty posts about TOHK can stop. Our team has had the upmost respect for you and your son over the past years, and I am totally shocked that you would post such remarks. I have attended the Church sessions at the State Tournaments, and I have personally had conversations with you--I can't believe that post came from the same person. Our team has always had the upmost respect for you and your son--imagine the letdown when he refused to shake hands with an opposing TOHK coach, (the one you have called into question). Please be honest and tell what really happened on Saturday--own up to the fact that YOU were openly bad mouthing TOHK and a supporter of TOHK overheard you and let you know that what you were doing was not right, and that is when the trouble began. Neither of the two coaches that you have called into question were part of the original incident. As a matter of fact, one of the coaches even tried to calm the supporter down and have him take a seat in the stands.

You stated that you have the upmost respect for Charles Knox, then why put out such a nasty post? You know how to reach Mr. Knox, call him--you don't have to go so public. Mr. Furches, you know as well as I do, when you point a finger, there is always a thumb pointing right back at you. There have been recent things done that I am sure we all could talk about that could cause embarrassment--but really what would be the point in that.

LaWanda DeShazer
Posted By: Mike Furches

Re: TOHK - 03/19/07 03:07 PM

LaWanda, I did not bad mouth any one from TOHK and will stand behind that. I was with Jeff Harrington prior to, during and after the match, neither did Jeff say anything negative. Anyone who says they heard me or Jeff doing so is a liar or heard someone other than the two of us. In fact I didn't hear anyone badmouth a TOHK wrestler all day, and in fact have never heard anyone bad mouth a TOHK wrestler. For the one saying I did let him come out and openly state that while using their name. I will stand on that again. As to contacting Coach Knox, I have done so. Regarding shaking of hands, when respect is given, respect is returned.

You may also want to check your pm's as I have tried to address this further in that pm, including a willingness to sit down with any of the TOHK family, coaches, and the individual who stated I made any negative comment. If calmness had prevailed on Saturday, and someone was willing to talk to me about the comments I supposidly made this would have never been an issue. There was not that willingness though, even after I tried to find out what was going on. I do appreciate that you state that neither coach was around when the comment was supposidly made, at that point though, there was a responsibility to ask me about that comment as opposed to assuming I made one.
Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Re: TOHK - 03/19/07 07:19 PM

 Originally Posted By: wanwan21
Mr. Furches, please be honest with what happend this past Saturday, so that these nasty posts about TOHK can stop. Our team has had the upmost respect for you and your son over the past years, and I am totally shocked that you would post such remarks. I have attended the Church sessions at the State Tournaments, and I have personally had conversations with you--I can't believe that post came from the same person. Our team has always had the upmost respect for you and your son--imagine the letdown when he refused to shake hands with an opposing TOHK coach, (the one you have called into question). Please be honest and tell what really happened on Saturday--own up to the fact that YOU were openly bad mouthing TOHK and a supporter of TOHK overheard you and let you know that what you were doing was not right, and that is when the trouble began. Neither of the two coaches that you have called into question were part of the original incident. As a matter of fact, one of the coaches even tried to calm the supporter down and have him take a seat in the stands.

You stated that you have the upmost respect for Charles Knox, then why put out such a nasty post? You know how to reach Mr. Knox, call him--you don't have to go so public. Mr. Furches, you know as well as I do, when you point a finger, there is always a thumb pointing right back at you. There have been recent things done that I am sure we all could talk about that could cause embarrassment--but really what would be the point in that.

LaWanda DeShazer

With the two posts prompting this reply deleted it is impossible to know what was said or occurred.

 Originally Posted By: Mike Furches
LaWanda, I did not bad mouth any one from TOHK and will stand behind that. I was with Jeff Harrington prior to, during and after the match, neither did Jeff say anything negative. Anyone who says they heard me or Jeff doing so is a liar or heard someone other than the two of us. In fact I didn't hear anyone badmouth a TOHK wrestler all day, and in fact have never heard anyone bad mouth a TOHK wrestler. For the one saying I did let him come out and openly state that while using their name. I will stand on that again. As to contacting Coach Knox, I have done so. Regarding shaking of hands, when respect is given, respect is returned.

You may also want to check your pm's as I have tried to address this further in that pm, including a willingness to sit down with any of the TOHK family, coaches, and the individual who stated I made any negative comment. If calmness had prevailed on Saturday, and someone was willing to talk to me about the comments I supposidly made this would have never been an issue. There was not that willingness though, even after I tried to find out what was going on. I do appreciate that you state that neither coach was around when the comment was supposidly made, at that point though, there was a responsibility to ask me about that comment as opposed to assuming I made one.
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: TOHK - 03/19/07 10:25 PM

I have tried to call Charlie numerous times to discuss this but he never answers his phone and voice mail box is always too full to accept a message. I would like to talk to him about the coaches in question as well his opinion on the Southern Plains camp.
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