Kansas Wrestling

park city classic

Posted By: oltimer

park city classic - 03/06/09 02:41 AM

who to watch at 14 under 155 and 160? any high school kids joining at this weight?
Posted By: KansasBoy

Re: park city classic - 03/06/09 03:02 AM

Jeremy Sigler Great Bend but he is going to hays

Re: park city classic - 03/06/09 03:31 AM

That would be tomorrow after weigh-ins. Today is the 5th!
Posted By: themat

Re: park city classic - 03/06/09 11:27 AM

Cant believe they don't have the list available for us to see who's wrestling. Cut off was last week
Posted By: bullwrestler

Re: park city classic - 03/06/09 05:00 PM

2 that could be there is Reece Conklin and Colt Castlebury. Both were HS state qualifiers.
Posted By: bullwrestler

Re: park city classic - 03/07/09 03:13 AM

Release the Participants in the tournament even if you don't have the fricken brackets filled out
Posted By: VanFam7

Re: park city classic - 03/07/09 09:44 PM

they must have wrestled the finals early....looks like results are already posted!??!
Posted By: Ricky Bobby

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 12:21 AM

Looks like Olympic Champion, Kenny Monday, has reared some pretty tough boys.

Park City-Wichita Classic 2009 Results for Team Monday

8 & Under 58 - Quincy Monday's place is 2nd and has scored 16.00 team points.
Champ. Round 1 - Quincy Monday (Team Monday) won by decision over Gage Leedy (Chanute Jr Comets) (Dec 6-2)
Quarterfinal - Quincy Monday (Team Monday) won by pin over Tre Cornwell (Andover Jaguar) (Pin 2:47)
Semifinal - Quincy Monday (Team Monday) won by decision over Ryan Murphy (Maize) (Dec 7-0)
1st Place Match - Brycen Schroeder (Team Haysville) won by decision over Quincy Monday (Team Monday) (Dec 2-0)

10 & Under 76 - Kennedy Monday's place is 3rd and has scored 12.00 team points.
Champ. Round 1 - Kennedy Monday (Team Monday) won by pin over Andrew Evans (Andover Jaguar) (Pin 0:40)
Quarterfinal - Kennedy Monday (Team Monday) won by decision over Colton Watters (Ark City Takedown Club) (Dec 9-2)
Semifinal - Dalton Abney (Abney) won by decision over Kennedy Monday (Team Monday) (Dec 2-1)
Cons. Semi - Kennedy Monday (Team Monday) won by decision over Trey Wallace (Team Guthrie) (Dec 7-2)
3rd Place Match - Kennedy Monday (Team Monday) won by decision over Zach Marcheselli (Team Marcheselli) (Dec 2-0)

16 & Under 155 - Cody Bye's place is 1st and has scored 20.00 team points.
Champ. Round 1 - Cody Bye (Team Monday) received a bye (Bye)
Quarterfinal - Cody Bye (Team Monday) won by pin over Tyler Long (Rose Hill) (Pin 2:33)
Semifinal - Cody Bye (Team Monday) won by pin over Jack Diffenbaugh (Mulvane) (Pin 1:30)
1st Place Match - Cody Bye (Team Monday) won by major decision over Lucas Cortez (Flinthills) (Maj 20-6)
Posted By: smokeycabin

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 12:44 AM

Nice to get out early and wrestle it straight thru. Keep that format.
Posted By: shoot to win

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 04:35 AM

I saw him there and watched a couple of kids that he was coaching and let me just say that the 16u kid, well...WOW. That kid is about as tough as I have seen on the mat. I also watched one of his sons wrestle in the finals in which he lost but what I really noticed from that match was the unacceptable behavior from the coach of the other kid. This guy should have been kicked out and after I heard that this is normal for him, well he should be banned from tournaments. We can not have coaches setting this kind of example for the kids.
Posted By: BLT

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 06:54 AM

Hold on!!!
"The Other Coach" was not the problem.
The ref made some really bad calls and they were BOTH over turned by the head ref. That coach is just not afraid to call a bad ref out when he sees BS on the mat.
The ref (at the end of the match) was shaking the time towel in his face. It was maybe half an inch from his face and even used foul language.
He then asked for the head ref again. We grabbed him and tried to pull him away but he refused to be verbally (and almost physically) assulted by a ref.
Then people stepped in and the head ref said he would take action.

Any other coach worth his salt would be the same way.

Yes, he does act like that everytime he is mat side.
By that I mean he uses all of his knowlegde to make sure the best man wins and the match is left in the hands of the wrestlers and not bad refs.

If you don't know the whole story keep your comments to yourself. I know how it may of appeared but to slander a good coach is just wrong unless you have 1st hand knowledge.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 12:26 PM

actions and appearance mean alot to a young wrestler. i didn't see it, and cannot comment on the coaches actions or his credibility. i do know that it is sometimes best to be the better man and teach that lesson to the young wrestler. by the sounds of it, we were in the exact situation in independence about 10 years ago. points were awarded to the wrong wrestler for an illegal hold, (our wrestler had an illegal headlock and we were awarded the points), we were trying to do the right thing and get the points switched. the ref comes over and says, "that is an illegal hold and you can't argue that you F(*^^& punk". my fellow coach tells him again that he simply gave the points to the wrong kid, and the ref curses again and ejects our coach. he then calls over about 5 kids from the high school wrestling team and has them escort him out. blt i know what we did was right, but it looked awfully bad to anyone watching. after the match our wrestler came over and said, "i won't ever act like a bad sport, i know what you and jason mean now." the whole situation was hard to take, and like i said i know it looked bad. in the long run justice was served, we complain at the next couple of tournamets, and that ref has not refereed since. we are both still coaching. don't get too upset if someone viewed it differently that will always happen, if you know your coach did the right thing then be happy that he is setting a good example, the kids will see it!!
Posted By: shoot to win

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 02:01 PM

I remember one time that I was pulled over by Officer Crowe and given a ticket for excessive accelleration because he heard tires squealing and the only car he saw was me. I took the ticket to court and got it dismissed but I cant imagine what would have happened to me if I would have had to be physically held back from attacking him for a bad call. Not only is it a bad example to set but will one day possibly lead to alot more then just looking like an idiot.
Posted By: BLT

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 02:42 PM

Shoot to win,
AGAIN, you are mistaken!
He wasn't being held back from attacking the ref. We were just wanting him to take the AWESOME victory and walk away.
He stood there and said "no, I'm not letting this offical talk to me in front of our kids like that. I want the head official to take action".
We all know that once you leave that mat that there is a snowballs chance that anything we ever be done.
The other point that I didn't know was that when he turned his back to the ref and he reached to shake the Monday Boys hand the ref grabbed the coach by the arm to spin him around to finish the "conversation"!
He MAYBE should of kept his cool a little better but after beating one of the best in the country, a ref shaking something in your face, using profanity towards you (in front of the kids) and then physically grabbing you to turn you around to continue to call you an idiot and threaten you with an ejection, I'm surprised we didn't have to restrain him from attacking the ref! LOL!
ALSO, there was an off duty sheriff officer working at that table...
She said that he could request to press charges againest the ref for assult.

Some of these refs now a days just want to whip out an ejection warning whenever they are questioned. He guys, you aint perfect and you are going to make mistakes! Its OK! if you don't see it (and everyone else did lol) you can't call it and its ok to stick to your guns.
But don't be afraid to admit when you goofed! That way the better wrestler will be more likely to come out on top!
Posted By: BLT

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 02:47 PM

Sorry for all the spelling errors! LOL!
I'm typing on my phone while at work! LOL!
Big Fingers!
Posted By: shoot to win

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 04:56 PM

BLT, Im not saying the ref was right, I think he should have been thrown out also if what you say is accurate. But at no time can we allow any kind of assault whether aimed at the ref, your kid, or even your wife.
Posted By: thebest

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 05:14 PM

I felt that the refs did a good job during this tournament with the level of wrestling at this tournament. The only thing that I would change with this is not to have high school kids ref the 16 & under bracket.
Posted By: BLT

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 06:05 PM

That is what I'm trying to say!
The coach NEVER aimed anything at the ref.
We were the ones (for some stupid reason) that was trying to PULL the coach away. We should of been pulling the ref away! I don't know why we were pulling him away but I understand now how it must of looked.
Yes that coach can be VERY PASSIONATE (thats my nice way of putting it LOL) during a match. We all jumped in expecting him to get up in that refs grill and he was just as calm as could be.
He just kept saying "Bring the Head Ref Please"!

Then when the ref started cussing and put his hands on the coach...
That's when he did get upset.
That's when we all started to walk away.
Afterwards the coach & Kenny Monday were shaking hands and laughing about the poor calls & the actions of that ref.

I just want to say that I understand that perception is reality!
I would just hope that when the truth be told/heard that people will be able to understand that this is one of the best coaches around that does nothing but give back to the community!
He coaches football, wrestling, baseball, and is a Fire Fighter!
He also collects Pez dispensers! How can a guy that collects Pez dispensers be a bad guy LOL!

We are sorry for how it appeared and we have learned how to better handle things like this in the future. Will we see him get passionate at mat side again???
And that is why we drive past 2 other wrestling clubs to let this guy coach our kids!

Thx Coach!
Posted By: blaise

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 10:31 PM

I'm sure he is going to love the fact that you let out that he collects Pez dispensers. LOL...
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: park city classic - 03/08/09 10:58 PM

Hey, one of my sons has some really cool Pez dispensers. I wonder what kind of $$$$ we could get for them from a collector. All kidding aside, there is nothing wrong collecting things as a hobby. I am guilty of collecting numerous things over the years (it all started with stamps, coins, Hot Wheels, baseball cards, football cards, etc.). I also have a killer collection of shot glasses from all the different places that I have been during my adult life.

I have no idea who this coach is, but I would like to thank him for his service as a fire fighter. As we learned from 9/11, they are real heroes. I have had a number of people thank me for my service in the military. I just wanted to say thanks to someone who puts their life on the line here in the states.
Posted By: schroedermom

Re: park city classic - 03/09/09 02:35 PM

I know my husband has stuggled a bit with how this situation looked to others after the match of Monday/Schroeder . . .

Thanks for the kind words about my husbands work as a firefighter . . . of course he is a hero in our eyes too.

We also appreciate your service in the military and appreciate your family supporting you while you serve . . it takes special people all the way around. THANK YOU!!
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