Kansas Wrestling

State at Topeka

Posted By: luellen

State at Topeka - 03/30/09 01:15 PM

I thought the tournament was very well ran. I would like to thank all voulnteers (to many to list) who make it happen. I also think the expo center did a great job. I was not strip searched, our family was allowed to bring in bottled water. I think we could have brought more if we wanted (pop food ect). I did not think the food prices were unreasonable. The expo people responded to the complaints from this forum very well. I dont think any other city could do it any better.
Posted By: J. Dale

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 01:33 PM

At least someone thanked the volunteers as opposed to the way table workers were treated by USAWKS. Our club voluntered to work a table all day sat. (both shifts) because we are a new club and wanted to help out, but don't you think that if people are helping out they should be taken care of. With the money our state makes off of events like state the least they could do is feed the table workers. A tray of muffins and a box of popcorn, I mean come on, if you don't take care of the volunters then you won't have them. To have someone work the tables then they have to go spend 10-15 bucks at the concession stand out of their own pocket. That is the kind of arrogance that needs to GO. Thinking that you can treat people like that and they will still be there. On the other subjects. How many people think that maybe the rules were relaxed a little bit because state is up for bids? It sure seems that about every 3 years the rules were relaxed for a year. Sure they let in bottled water, but then I watched them tell a handicapped lady that the lower ticket booth was closed and she would have to go around to the upper ticket booth (walker and all) to buy a ticket and enter. The staff was probably out celebrating the 20 something aniversery of state being held there. State needs to move and it needs to rotate, that's the only way to to insure that people really care and take care of this event.
Posted By: J. Dale

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 01:34 PM

P.S. but they did get a T-shirt.
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 01:55 PM

I watched a 14 year old kid wrestle 4 overtimes before losing. The kid was completely drained, physically and mentally. His reward for working and wrestling his a&& off, was a grumpy guy at the stairs yelling in his face and grabbing him and telling him that if he wanted to go up, to walk the hell around. There was not one person trying to get down the stairs, the guy was just getting his jollies by making the kid feel bad. Other than that, it was a lot better than last year. As J. Dale stated, It is amazing the difference in attitude when you are trying to get a new contract.
Posted By: GarateKids

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 01:58 PM

what would be the cities bidding to host this event? which by the way was an awesome experiance for myself and my 6 yr old son who didnt participate but went to root on his teammates on...he isnow pumped for next year.......
Posted By: Hossus

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 02:09 PM

I agree they sure laid it on thick at the Parade at the start of the tournament. All cuddles and smiles. I thought it was rather political and not in the interest of the kids and families. I could go on but it would be pointless. They have a strangle hold on USAWKS and they know it.
Posted By: GarateKids

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 02:27 PM

i like the tournament in topeka,cause its not far to travel..for me atleast wink
Posted By: RYLANT

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 02:58 PM

I definately think that when the contract is up they decide to be lax on things in order for us to maybe keep state in Topeka. I love Topeka and the Holidome and both Topeka and Wichita are the same distance for me to travel but, to many others it isn't the same to travel. I am sure that those of you who live right around topeka would love for it to stay there and those of you around Wichita would love for it to stay there. Lets think about others for once and figure out where it would be centally located for those that have to drive 8 hours home on sunday night after state. Those in the West deserve it to be somewhere in the middle. We are always worried about participant numbers getting low and this maybe would help the problem. Move state to the middle!!!!
Posted By: GarateKids

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 03:14 PM

would salina be more centrally located?,, it is asinthe state of kansas but not to the majority of teams and wrestlers,,or is it,,i may be wrong
Posted By: swkskidsmatrats

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 03:22 PM

ok, the way i see it is your options are==topeka,wichita,salina,hays,??? top choices to me!!!
what about rotating or something to make these towns appreciate us and appreciate when we come to town!!! what is the options for rotation or bids??????????
Posted By: GarateKids

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 03:28 PM

Emporia would be nice,,
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 03:28 PM

Do Salina and/or Hays have enough hotel rooms to host a two day tournament? Topeka has enough to scrape by, but not enough for them to lower the rates to entice you towards their hotel.
Posted By: GarateKids

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 03:36 PM

emporia is centrally located
Posted By: Sudawn Bradley

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 04:51 PM

I think the problem with rotating cities is that there is a good chance that a suitably sized facility would not be available if there was not a long term contract in place for that weekend. I did enjoy the more relaxed security this year - not having the bag searchs or having to mess with the coaches neck cards was great. All the security personal we encountered were friendly and helpful.
Posted By: jwckscobee

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 05:00 PM

This was our first year at state. I did not see or experience some of the things that I had heard about (such as strip searches at the door) but I was very shocked at the food prices as well as the hotel prices. I just got finished checking the rates for the exact hotel that we stayed in. The price we paid was almost $40 a night higher than their posted rates for the same number of days and the same room. You would think that a city would offer better rates to those that they want to return each year rather than raising rates. These hotels know that the parents will pay because there is not much choice. That is unless you want to tell your kid, "Sorry honey, can't go to state this year, the hotel prices are too high." And $3.50 for a bottle of water! Wow! I am trying to figure out how anyone could believe that the food prices were not unreasonable. The tournament was great although Aerial did not place. We are looking forward to going next year reguardless of where it is.
Posted By: doug747

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 05:34 PM

I don't think anywhere except Wichita or Topeka would have the facilities to host it, unless Salina or Hays or Emporia had an adjacent "B" gym that the 14s and 16s could wrestle in. Sort of Like Tulsa Nationals did, or used to do. Then bring them all into the main gym for the finals? I still would rather see ALL age groups on one floor so all fans could see ALL kids wrestle, without having to move around.

You people complaining about the food prices, I don't feel sorry for you. The weather was great for a tailgate party, and we had one. On Saturday, 25-30 degrees, snow and sleet, and freezing rain was perfect. Sunday with the sunshine was even better. Burgers, sausage, hot dogs, and all the fixins'!! Jerry Dale, all you have to do is pack some long underwear, and you can tailgate anywhere.

Posted By: gocats

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 05:42 PM

This was our 4th trip to state and I will have to say that security at the expo center was great this year, compared to the past. It was nice to not have to be creative to sneak in a snack or two.

Just a thought or two on the motel prices...Have none of you ever stayed somewhere and noticed that weekend rates are higher than weekday rates? I can tell you that the rate that the Plaza charges our club is the exact same as when we have stayed there other times during the year. My family and I have stayed at motels for several days at a time. The rate for Friday & Saturday are always higher than the rest of the week (sometimes the rate is almost double!).

As for the concession stand prices...have you never went to a college football game or a concert or a race? Those are the kind of prices you are going to see anytime you go to a big event at a coliseum.

Now that said, I do wish the prices were more reasonable. I don't like to think about how much money we have spent over the years allowing our kids to pursue what they want. But that is just the price of being a parent. You figure out a way to make it happen or you don't! As for the location of the tourney, there are not very many places that have the motel accomodations for Kansas Wrestling.
Posted By: jwckscobee

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 05:49 PM

I agree that those are the prices that you see at the big games, concerts, races, ect. And I paid that price as did many many others. When I checked the hotel prices earlier today I made sure to select checking in on Friday and checking out on Sunday. Still $40 a night less that what we paid. I am not necessarily complaining because I would load up and go again tomorrow or next week or anytime if that is what it takes to help my daughter achieve her goals. I was just shocked that at the prices and that the rates for the hotel were higher. Like I said, it was our first year and I guess I wasn't sure what to expect. Really it just means more overtime a work so we can start saving for the next one! We love it!
Posted By: badbo

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 06:10 PM

We paid $94 to stay in the capital plaza in Topeka and $3.50 for a bottle of water. For High School state in Wichita we paid $89 to stay in the best western and $3.50 for a bottle of water. Topeka or Wichita are going to have very similiar costs. Change for change sake is not a better deal. We need our executives to negotiate a better deal with the Chamber of commerce in either city for reduced hotel rates, etc. Then make a decision to go to the city that will work with us the most.
Posted By: RYLANT

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 06:19 PM

I agree that it is still going to be expensive either place and security will probably still be over the top. I just think Witchita is a better location due to it being more centrally located. And like I said the drive is the same for me either way.
Posted By: doug747

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 06:37 PM

The best product at the best price should win. We look forward to the trip to state every year, but of course would not have our feelings hurt if it was in Wichita. I still got a little of the feeling that Topeka isn't too worred about losing the tourney. I guess I shouldn't let a few crabby security guys ruin the whole perception.
Posted By: H.R. Cook

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 06:37 PM

I would like to say thank you again for coming to Topeka. To answer some of the questions and negative comments:

The opening ceremonies were the same speakers saying pretty much the same thing as in years past including me. It was not predetermined what was said or how, including me. Though I did mean what I said about the tail gate party. I was looking forward to that.

Our food policy and security policy changed a while back (sometime after state last year) but thank you for noticing. Becuause of the high amount of special needs (diebetics and such)and the need to be more user friendly (not being food nazis). They way I look at it, if you are trying to sneak food in, you were not planning on buying from my concessions anyway. Now again remember that does not mean anything goes. Wherever the State is held next year there will be policies, practices and prices that some people will not agree with. We are no exception, but everyone tries to work with them.

Do we want State back? heck yeah. Did we go out of our way to be friendly and welcoming, yes but we try do that for almost all of our events.

I know I will NEVER please people like J. Dale who is convinced there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll, but there is no conspirisy just putting our best foot forward. After each year we do compare notes with the exec board and dist. directors and try to make changes for the next year, not just this year. Hosting state is one of my staff's favorite events because this event is all about family. Your familys and the way the wreslting community acts like a big family.

Thank you again.

H.R. Cook
General Manager
Kansas Expocentre/SMG
Posted By: Owlbacker

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 06:47 PM

Dear Mr Cook

I have a complaint. I woke up Sunday morning ready to go on a mission. I watched people scarf on roadrunner dogs all day saturday. I resisted the urge....I have a fairly large family and lunch saturday for just the kids was a little over 45 bucks. Then spent the rest of the day watching men spill chile and cheese down their forearms while chewing happily. So like I said I was on a mission I was going to have the one thing on the menu that looked worth the 6 dollar price tag....and you were out...yes...out!! What kind of show are you running??
Posted By: badbo

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 06:56 PM

Here is my request. If we are going to pay $6 or so for a hamburger, etc. Why could you not serve turkey or ham subs? I am sure they would be equally high priced, but at least we could get some decent nutritional food. The fruit sold in the stand was not edible. We bought my son an orange and it was so bad we threw in the trash. If your prices have to be that high so be it. Like I said they were the same in Wichita for HS state, but serve some decent food. Wichita for example had some awesome Chicken. It was $7, but it was great. Hot dogs, pretzels, and nachos doesn't cut it, and $2.50 PBJ falls pretty short as well.
Posted By: Nedly

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 07:45 PM

As most of you know this is a bid year for the State Tournament. Requests were sent out to many city's (5) to bid on the next contract for the tournament. Three city's submitted bids, Hays, Wichita, and Topeka. The tournament committee is doing site vists with each city that bid. On April 19th the 3 city's will present there bids to the Kids Council and then we will award the new contract.

I will make a announcement later that week on the venue for next years state tournament. Encourage your district reps to attend this important meeting in April.

If you have any questions or cocerns please feel free to contact me.

Ned Price
Posted By: J. Dale

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 08:04 PM

First of all Mr. Cook. It was not anything against you. EVERY arena charges around the same prices. But not every arena tells a lady with a walker to go around a building of that size to enter. There is something called decency and respect and that is not how you treat elderly or handicapped people. Other than that what did I say negative in my post about your facility. I have more of a problem with our own organization than yours. I just thought after a long season of wrestling and expenses that these parents pay every weekend a tailgate would be a nice change. I do think your polocies were changed because of the contract being up although I would like to think it was because you listened ( I doubt) Reread my post from today and tell me something I said negative about your facilty other than the lower ticket booth. Feel free to call me if you would like.
620-327-4809 is my home number.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 08:05 PM

Ned I have to ask. With all we know about each of the three sites is it necessary to do a visit to each?
Posted By: J. Dale

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 08:05 PM

Buy the way there was no second shooter idiot.
Posted By: windjammer

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 08:06 PM

Yes there was. Didn't you see that movie about it?
Posted By: mom4

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 08:13 PM

I have been going to the kids state tournament for over 7 years now. I have yet to buy anything other than an occasional gatoraid at the concession stand. I don't sneak food in either. I would like to support the concession stands but our family is not higher income and every penny counts. So what I do is on the nice and sunny days, I pack a cooler and keep it in the car full of fruits/vegetables and sandwiches and we just go outside to eat. On wet and cold days like this weekend, we load up in the car and take a very short (less than 5 minute) drive to Sonic and eat in the car. With coupons, the price was very good. If the food was a little cheaper, I would support the concession stands but I just can't stomach spending 6.00 on a single hamburger or hotdog. I don't care how good it is, I still am not spending that kind of money when less than 2 blocks away I can buy a whole meal for the same price.

Other than the high price of food, the tournament was ran well. The only suggestions I would make for changes would be for the weigh-in on Friday. I personally think it would work so much better for the wrestlers and the parents if there were dividers at the beginning of the weigh-in so that all wrestlers were in single-line file waiting for the hair and skin-checks instead of being able to bunch up like they did (maybe even have a separate line for each district using the ropes like in movie theaters?). As it was, many of the younger kids were getting pushed by older kids and vice-versa and some even "disappeared" in the huge group making some newbie parents very nervous and upset. I also think that there needs to be a separate area for wrestlers to take off their clothes BEFORE they get in line for the table to get their card. Again, when you are jostling for a position to get in line and then having to step over piles of clothing left here and there, it can cause a mess. I know that there were several mothers that were nervous about the long wait for their son/daughter to get through the weigh-in. When your son/daughter is only 6 or 8 and going through the first time, it can/is pretty nerve racking waiting for them. But that is all. Again, had a great time and hopefully will be back next year.
Posted By: wrstlmom1970

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 09:01 PM

FYI-We did find out from security this weekend that you can actually bring your food from outside into the foyer where the ticket booths are at to eat. That is what we did. They told us it was okay to eat it there, but since that one company had the contract, it could not come past the turnstiles(not sure if that is what it is called that you walk through when you first go in to get into Exhibition Hall). We did eat our $1 burgers from Sonic out there, and not a single Expo Center employee or guard bothered us. Just thought everyone would like to know that little bit of information.
Posted By: gymmom

Re: State at Topeka - 03/30/09 11:43 PM

Just out of curiosity I checked today what rates at the Quality Inn would be for next weekend (Friday to Sunday). These are the same days we stayed there this last state weekend. We paid $119/per night for the Quality Inn! Not a great hotel but ok. Next weekend I could book it for $69.00/per night! They took advantage of us and everyone else that was there. I say move it to Wichita where there are so many hotels that they just won't benefit from jacking prices up because people will stay somewhere else and I will sleep in my own bed!!!
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