Kansas Wrestling


Posted By: rockytop

REF ON MAT #2 - 03/29/11 01:55 AM

I just thought this Ref was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Cost a couple kids some matches!!!! Tall guy with glasses!! I have a five year old that would be better!!!!!!!!! Sorry just an opinion. He let coaches call some of the matches! All they had to do was yell and he would award points. Im sure there will be others that think the same!!
Posted By: rockytop

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/29/11 02:00 AM

He was only on this mat the first day and then I think He had enough complaints that he was on other mats on Sunday.
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/30/11 08:37 PM

that guy was a idiot who ever voted for him should be shot
Posted By: L.Geyer

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/30/11 10:03 PM

I believe be wasn't voted for but the ref that was voted for turned it down for personal reasons and this ref got in by process of elimination.
Posted By: R. Scott Edwards

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/30/11 10:25 PM

Every year people want something to complain about. A child looses a match and then they look for someone to blame it on. No matter who the officials are at tournaments, somebody is always going to complain. It is common nature these day that if something doesn't go your way, we look for somebody to blame. Why don't you step up to the plate and get registered and start officiating yourself if you don't like the way others do it. Quit b....ing about others and do it yourself. I am sure you can do it without making a mistake. So step up or quit complaining.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/30/11 10:42 PM

someone with no a sign on calls a ref an idiot. talk about poor sportsmanship, and ejections.
Posted By: jerry davis

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/30/11 11:15 PM

Noname is a chicken.Obviously.As far as that goes at least headup isn't griping with his/her hide a name.
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/30/11 11:51 PM

Originally Posted By: jerry davis
Noname is a chicken.Obviously.As far as that goes at least headup isn't griping with his/her hide a name.

i didn't break any rules. i will put my name if when i have something like that to say. i've used my real name plenty.
Posted By: jerry davis

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 12:26 AM

I just thought it was funny that you pointed that out and your name wasn't present. Could care less just having fun.
Posted By: tcob

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 01:05 AM

My child was not involved with any of the bad refs. I hate going to my daughters basketball games because of bad and one sided refs, I have always bragged up wrestling because of the great refs. This week end at STATE I seen more kids lose their matches because of bad refs! They were refs I haven't seen in the last 7 years that we have been involved. These kids try to put out 120% why can't we get officials that do the same?
Posted By: hotrodder54

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 01:32 AM

Yet again everytime you get SCREWED by a ref.. it makes up for locked hands he didn't see, the takedown he gave you really didn't have yet, when you were stalling and didn't get called etc. Sometimes you get it and some it gets you no excuses. You never leave your future in someone elses hands. Win definitively WIN thats the goal no excuses. Thats what I try to teach yes sometimes its hard and sucks. No excuses
Posted By: favesport

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 01:53 AM

My son was on mat 2 and I couldn't agree more! Actually the man and the woman were both horrible. I was hoping for a change Sunday... not so lucky. There were many very good officials on other mats, however!!
Posted By: doug747

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 02:00 AM

If the refs at State cost you folks that many matches, you probably ought to take up foosball. No refs to screw you there.

I personally think that we have a HECK of a good crew of young officials that started within the last year or two. Some of which, when they started, were horrible. But instead of being a$$holes to them, and running them off, it appears that we as coaches have managed to lay off of them long enough for them to become pretty darn good referees, instead of running them off. I thought the state crew was as good as I've seen. And there was several of these new officials that I speak of, working the state tourney.

But in all my years, I've never gotten on a talk forum to blame a loss on an official. The day I do that is the day I want someone to take my coaches card away.....Cause I ain't doing the kids any good by making excuses for them............
Posted By: bockman

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 02:10 AM

this happened to one of our kids. we were losing by 2 in the third period. the kid we were wrestling backed up over and over. finally got a warning. with less than 10 seconds our kid throws a lateral drop and throws the kid to his back. ref stops the match. he awards our kid 1 point. i asked him why he stopped the match because we should have gotten the one point and no stoppage then we should have been awarded 2 for a takedown and then near fall points. we got the 1 point and lose by one point. i pointed out to this ref he made a mistake and he said no it was the right call. after the match i explained to our kid yes he got screwed but if he had wrestled better he would never have been in that situation. he still didnt understand. fact is do not leave it up to the ref to decide the match. take care of business on your own. there will always be what we see as bad calls. we are not in the refs position. one thing i would like to see is the refs get in better position and actually move quicker. too many times i see refs standing up not counting back points until they get down 2 seconds later only to have the kid on bottom flip to his belly. those are just what i see.
Posted By: rockytop

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 03:40 AM

I started this post and my kid didnt ever get a bad call from this ref but I seen him consistently costing really good wrestlers matches and I also watched him let coaches talk him in to points several times!!! Sorry to all of you taking up for him but apparently you didnt see this guy ref on this mat or you wouldnt be taking up for him!!
Posted By: R. Scott Edwards

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 11:06 AM

Mainly because we have people that complain about the job that they do and they don't want to deal with all the b....ing people. I know one lady that called a ref over to the stands very politely just to tell them how much they sucked as a ref, and then people get on the forum and complain about them also. It is hard enough to get officials to do the local tournaments because of parents and coaches and competitors yelling and telling them how much they suck. It sure makes me want to do it. Step up or quit complaining!!!!!!
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 11:13 AM

we need good referees. scott bockover i expect to see you wearing stripes next year. rockytop maybe to two of you can ride together and get certified. favesport you make three, three great new officials. next year is going to be wonderful!

it is hard to be a referee, if you think you are better qualified, then prove it.

i did see this referee, we wrestled there about 6-8 times between to wrestlers. what i saw were a bunch of coaches standing around talking about how terrible he was, THEN when their kid wrestles they argue a call that they would never even question with other refs. a seed was planted, they couldn't help but argue silly calls. embarassing.
Posted By: CWB

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 11:52 AM

every one states to if you want it better be an official.Guys it is not that eazy to get in to.The reffs pick whom the want to be reffs at most of the time.I went though to be a reff with a friend. NO one even wanted to talk to us about it at all. Every time we chated with a head reff he stated he had all the reffs he needed.
They do not want new reffs.And the are the ones to put you to work.The one head reff thing has some problems.I am not saying I would be the best reff out there.What I am saying is I think if you care about what you do you can do better every week if you do not care and just need a few bucks you will never get better.
I do think some coaches will use any reasion they can to shift the blame some where else.
Posted By: bockman

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 12:22 PM

well headup i actually did ref some when i was in college. i would do some reffing now but i have 5 kids to take to all their events and do not have the time to ref. i will be looking into reffing when my kids get out of highschool though. that is if i am not bured out of the sport by then. it would be interesting to see me ref. i would probably last until the first time a coach yelled loud enough that his spit got on my face then it would be all over. as you see in my post i did get on the ref for screwing up but i also mentioned refs are human and they will and do make mistakes. if life was perfect they along with coaches and parents would never make any mistkes. so josh enjoy that cheeseburger while i enjoy my time off from wrestling as baseball and soccer have already started along with track.
Posted By: smithy

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 03:58 PM

My son was on a completely different mat. He got screwed out of a pin where he had the kid in the grapevine stuck for at least ten seconds. This occurred in the third period. The pin was not called and he lost. I did explain that it sucked it wasn't called. However, if my son hadn't allowed the other wrestler to stay on top the entire first two periods, he would have had enough points and the pin wouldn't have mattered. My son did understand this. I get upset with the ref's all the time. But, I do not allow that for an excuse nor question the ref. Their job is hard enough.
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 04:19 PM

didnt have to deal with theb ref just thought i would complain like the rest of you
Posted By: HEADUP

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 09:23 PM

5 kids, scotty! you know what causes that right?
Posted By: Green

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 03/31/11 09:58 PM

I am the Ref that had to decline and the Ref in question does a good job week in and week out. He does ref for the love of the sport and the kids. I agree with Scott 100% if you don't like the calls sign up and do it yourself.
Posted By: el scorcho

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 04/01/11 03:38 PM

My name is David Budke and I have been officiating for 5 years, and loved most all of the time I have spent on the mat. That being said, it seems this year is the worst I have every seen with ref bashing. It seems like every Monday morning I can log on here and all I see is who got screwed and how bad the refs were at a specific tournament. It is sickening to think that parents will use this as an excuse to explain to kids why they lost. Plain and simple, either your not as good as the other kid, or you didn't wrestle as well as the other kid. IF a questionable call is made, blow it off. If you let the kid think that is the reason for the loss, they will use it as a crutch. But even with arguementative coaches and parents, the state does offer some great coaches out there. I enjoy working with several good coaches such:Bobby at Salina, Matt in Emporia,Scott in Hillsboro, Brian in Chase County, and several more people I just know as "hey you". I am grateful to everyone who hires me as an official and I work hard not to "screw" anyone out of earned points or an earned pin. Next year I would like to see everyone not concentrate on the quality of officiating, but the real reason we are in this, the kids.

David Budke
Posted By: doug747

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 04/01/11 04:35 PM

I will use this topic as my way to spout my annual rant about referees...........

I would like to have them all have their names embroidered on their shirts, so we know who they are. Seriously, I want to know who they are, so that when it is time to vote for officials for State, I know what their names are. I also wouldn't want to vote for one that I didn't feel was ready for the state tourney.

The ref # on the shirt isn't enough. I would never remember to write it down, or memorize it, to get online and see who it is. I can picture at least 8-10 referees, from tourneys that I have been to, that I think do an excellent job, that I have NO CLUE what their names are.


ps Bobby Stine can fool some people I guess.........Bobby, the reason for sunglasses in the gymnasium.........
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 04/01/11 11:41 PM

so the ref on #2 was the only one that missed a call or what last i knew we are human and we all make mistakes
Posted By: nix

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 04/01/11 11:51 PM

Originally Posted By: noname
that guy was a idiot who ever voted for him should be shot

if were all human and make mistakes why in the hell would you call him an idiot.
Posted By: Cowbuff

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 04/01/11 11:21 PM

so i could stir the pot i know who he is and know his family well im tired of getting on here and seeing that i get on here hoping to learn something not to hear everybody complain about crap i want to know about camps and stuff like that
Posted By: R. Scott Edwards

Re: REF ON MAT #2 - 04/02/11 01:54 AM

If you want to know about camps and stuff like that then why did you say what you did on the first page about him being an idiot and whoever voted for him should be shot?

Last I checked you found info about camps under the Camps/Clinic tab. Quit bashing our refs even when they do make a mistake. I watched a coach tell a ref they could not award points on an illegal hold and the points were taken away from my wrestler, I am not on here bad mouthing that official.

Step up or quit complaining!!!
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