Kansas Wrestling

Trackwrestling/Tournaments Using Trackwrestling

Posted By: smokeycabin

Trackwrestling/Tournaments Using Trackwrestling - 01/14/12 10:49 AM

Tournaments Using Trackwrestling - THANK YOU.

From a coaching point of view. We can leave the house before the tournament and have all the matches possible for our guys for the day. No standing in big huge lines looking at the wall and finding the wrestlers on your team. How great is that. This system really helps getting the tournaments started on time. One other benefit is that we can evaluate the hospitality rooms a little longer in the morning.
Posted By: CMB

Re: Trackwrestling/Tournaments Using Trackwrestling - 01/14/12 06:02 PM

There are a lot of great things about Trackwrestling, but one thing that a lot of us parents and wrestlers were wondering is why they don't leave the wrestling list open during sign-ups. I'm sure the tournament directors have a reason and if they could share their reasons on here it would be great. I think that the tournaments that did this would get way better competition at their tourny's if they would. I think that most wrestlers are looking for competition and would travel a little farther to get good competition. Just asking!!
Posted By: Schrater

Re: Trackwrestling/Tournaments Using Trackwrestling - 01/15/12 02:05 PM


I dont have all the answers and I understand your question. I cannot begin to state all the phone calls and emails I have had to respond to during the two weeks before our tournament. Clubs, parents, coaches.... My quick reaction to your question, is that it just doesnt matter and it will only create more issues, questions, kids changing classes, etc.., causing more headaches for the tournament director. Not saying this is correct, but it was my initial reaction.

If you want the competition, call them up and see if they are attending and at what weight - you know who they are. Bump you kid up in weight and-or age. Not to be disrectful to anyone (or Chis because I dont know you), but I see alot of questions about this generally from parents who have some tough kids, but I rarely see kids double dipping or moving up in weight.

It seems to me - the parent or coach can make these decision and get all the competition they want. I know and like seeing the Brawlers coaching staff be very proactive with their tough kids.

Cory Schrater

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