Kansas Wrestling

Wichita Classic - Thoughts

Posted By: Schrater

Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/03/13 03:13 PM

Lets realize what this tournament is:

* great venue - could be argued this is the best venue anywhere near Wichita.

* Steve Foster - as tournament director, it ran smooth. Multiple full mats for kids that dont ever get to see full mats and the action was fantastic - - - NOTHING BETTER THAN FULL MATS FOR SOME GREAT WRESTLING - THIS CAN NOT BE SAID LOUD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Good refs

* Still dont like the nazi type bag checks that we have to face everywhere (not just at Hartman)

* Like many clubs - I wish the high school division were bigger, we still struggle getting them to the club. Those that do, make big improvements.

* My only complaint - Like I discussed with the Salina club, I could care less that you give 0.9lbs, BUT THE ONLY WAY THAT IS FAIR TO ALL COMPETITORS IS THAT ALL COMPETITORS KNOW THIS (ie on the flyer). It was specifically listed for the high schoolers on the flyer but not for U14 and younger. Many clubs had kids running before weigh in because they knew they were a little over, others that knew of the 0.9lb variance did not. Steve Foster has always been about tough brackets and fairness and I am sure this will be addressed.

* Thanks to the OK clubs for attending - we really love having you and your wrestlers attend.

Congrats to Gabe Buckbee. Gabe beat Colt Newton in the finals at U12 72lbs. Colt Newton is not only one of the best wrestlers in the country (go look at his accomplishments since the age of 5), he and his dad set the standard for how they carry themselves. Unlike many other youth sports, our kids get the opportunity to compete against some of the best competition in the US - YOU CAN NOT WIN UNLESS YOU COMPETE -

Cory Schrater
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/03/13 03:59 PM

I think it may be just me but I though the parade off champions, the podioum after, and all the finnals at the same time is what made the classic special. There is nothing special about the finnals anymore. I liked the way thay did it in the barn. thats when getting to the finnals ment something now its just we got to hurry up and get it over with. Like I said it may just be me so no stones please.
Posted By: master blaster

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/03/13 04:28 PM

Totally agree, having the finals at the end was special! It had the feel of a higher level regional or national event(Brute). Love the tournament and Foster does a great job, but I'd love to see a few of the things the classic did in the past brought back.
Posted By: Hossus

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/03/13 05:01 PM

It was unfortunate that the local Pioneer League Tournaments, 3 of them, were planned on the same day. 300+ 12U & 14U wrestlers were not able to attend.

Outstanding effort by Anthony Capul wrestling up in HS Div as an 8th grader and giving them a preview of what is coming their way next year. Good Job Anthony
Posted By: Spexy

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/04/13 12:06 AM

Dang I hate to do this,
But I agree with Corey.
Drink Natzis at the door is uncalled for. Don't care what venue it's at. Let the wrestlers bring in their drinks. These kids work their butts off and now the parents have to dig even deeper into their pockets for WATER. Come on KANSAS get real. Most bring food, run to the car to eat between matches. Why is buying a $3 bottle of water so important at large venues. Example: Salina, Hartman, and Expo.
Long lines at concessions without taking water away from wrestlers. $3.00 for 1 bottle? You can buy a whole case for that price.
Who is this sport for, vendors or the kids?
Posted By: bubbasmom77

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/04/13 01:23 AM

Please dont say some crap about all large venuse check bags because ive been to all the large venues and kickoff, Tulsa, Joc none of those places strip searched me or my bag. Just sayin before that rant breaks off
Posted By: WWMama

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/04/13 04:23 PM

Last year at the Classic we were allowed to bring water in, but no other food or drinks. This year even water was not allowed. I understand food and other drinks but I think water should at least be allowed.

I appreciated the water provided on the floor for the wrestlers and coaches but I think the Classic could have helped out by making the guidelines very clear ahead of time. I never saw this specified in the flyer. Saturday was way too cold to eat outdoors and I know there were several families that could not have afforded a $32 entry plus $3 water and $6 mini pizzas at an all day tournament.

The Classic has always been one of our favorite tournaments due to the "fun" factor of music during the tournament. I would suggest less announcer chatter and bring back the music. There was music for part of the morning but none in the afternoon. The music seems to help tone down the noise of a tournament or at least make it bearable. After 12 hours in that venue, the chatter was a little much.

Hartman staff was very friendly and helpful as was tournament staff. Loved that the OK teams attended. Love that parents are not allowed on the mats. This venue, like Hutchinson is a great venue for parents. Tournament was well run and heard no complaints about officials or tournament staff.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/04/13 06:09 PM

It was well run but its not what it used to be
Posted By: Dellinger

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/07/13 04:14 PM

Until it goes back to an all day tournament and go back to having the walk of champions and have kids stand on podium like in the mid 90's when it was at century two it will be just another tournament. Split tournaments are good for parents but the kids are loosing a lot of the things throughout the season that a lot us were able to experience.
Posted By: Joe Knecht

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/07/13 05:49 PM

I don't find this tournament to be "just another tournament". The venue, awards and Oklahoma competition alone make it different than most. I do agree it's not what it used to be...for the better, IMO. I don't miss the parade/awards and know a lot of parents & kids that have experienced it, don't either.

I applaud those involved with this tourney in how well it is run as well as showing a willingness to adjust and take steps they feel are in the best interest of it's customers. I know many (dare say most) enjoy being able to get same amount of matches in 1/2 the time. Reducing parent & wrestlers time at any tourney has to be a good thing.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/07/13 07:06 PM

I dont disagree that its a good venue or that it was well run. The eagle was nice but there was lots of split tournaments that weekend. I could be wrong which I am additionally but I bet there's alot more people that see it my way.
Posted By: Purple_Freak

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/07/13 08:02 PM

They need to work with the Western Kansas Classic and not have them the same weekend. That would have increased entries significantly.

Split tournaments are good for the sport bottom line. It has done wonders for retention.

I loved the option of paying online and not being charged an additional fee through track wrestling to do so.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/08/13 02:07 AM

Lets settle this once and for all if you read this post new or old way. First two 50 wins. starting now
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/08/13 02:39 AM

I think we give kids too much recognition as it is. Huge medals and trophies, belts, rings, bling...its ridiculous. Have them wrestle and give them a medal the size of a quarter. Look at the State medals. Look at the awards at the NCAA's. These are as big as it gets and the medals are not. Quit making big deals out of local tournaments. I guess that would put my vote as NEW. The trophies were nice but not too over the top.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/08/13 12:53 PM

Well write or wrong the idea behind the belts, rings, and bling is to attract competition and its working. Park city used to be one of the toughest tournaments of the year that would attract teams from Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, and Oklahoma. not anymore.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/08/13 02:39 PM

Originally Posted By: haskins6
Well write or wrong the idea behind the belts, rings, and bling is to attract competition and its working. Park city used to be one of the toughest tournaments of the year that would attract teams from Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, and Oklahoma. not anymore.

Park City went downhill because they had a crappy facility in the barns and had a series of poorly run tournaments. They also at the same time went from a tournament run by several local clubs to one run by the Greater Wichita Sports Authority or whatever it's called. The fall-off in attendance had nothing to do with awards! Now, they appear to be back on the right track and more power to them.
Posted By: haskins6

Re: Wichita Classic - Thoughts - 03/08/13 04:07 PM

Last thing I never complained about the awards. Just the dumbing down of the tournament.
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