Kansas Wrestling

Ring Worm at Park City

Posted By: J. Besco

Ring Worm at Park City - 03/09/14 12:44 AM

Not sure who was doing skin checks, but they're not doing their job! Saw a kid at Park City today with at least 7 different spots of Ringworm! My kid wasn't wrestling him, but I made sure he used his defense soap tonight just in case he came in contact with it.
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: Ring Worm at Park City - 03/09/14 01:38 AM

I had one wrestler that had some spots, he was also checked out by the on site trainer which reviewed his doctors release just like us required.

The trainer agreed with the doctors note that it wasn't contagious.

Don't get me wrong it gives me the willies also, but the correct protocol was followed.

That is if it was us your are referring to.
Posted By: Brent Lane

Re: Ring Worm at Park City - 03/09/14 03:57 AM

Ring worm is a pain, and I have seen plenty of it, quite honestly at this point in the year they should just wrap it where possible and wrestle. With that said, Tracy, how is that ringworm on that kid not contagious? What is the doctor saying that makes it so? I'm just curious.

If you go by rule, as long as it's treated for a certain time it allowable, but I saw it last week and wondered how he could wrestle with it the way it was.
Posted By: meb

Re: Ring Worm at Park City - 03/09/14 06:45 PM

As long as the skin form is filled out and the proper treatment is followed, they can wrestle. Ringworm doesn't go away in a day, even with the proper medication. It takes weeks. If your child has never had ringworm, congratulations, but mine has and we treat it. If you didn't allow a kid to wrestle with visible ringworm, there wouldn't be many wrestlers left at this point in the season.

I'm sure the skin check was done and the proper forms filled out. Especially if it was that obvious. Remember, some of the new folks may not know what to watch for and it can get pretty far along before someone else points it out.
Posted By: in it to win it

Re: Ring Worm at Park City - 03/09/14 07:27 PM

Totally in disagreement with the statement that there wouldn't be many wrestlers competing. 20% of the population are compliant with healthcare provider's advice. That being said, Tinea Corporis is a fungus among us that must be kept controlled. Primarily hygiene (a shower "rinse" must involve preferably an antibacterial based soap). 2x weekly skin checks during season. Older kids need to be accountable--if something "looks like a worm" treatment for two weeks post disappearance. Have handy for your wrestler a tube of antifungal (it even comes in spray)....the biggest problem with recurring "ringworm" is annhilating the fungus!
Tinea capitus (scalp) requires oral griseofulvin. Please heed FDA label of pediatric usage.
Tinea pedis (athlete's foot) itchy, blistery, oozy especially around ankles & toes....antifungal!
And yes, there's another area gentleman that is in the private area more frquently known as "Jock Itch"....how quick does this clear up/return? Again an antifungal!!!
ALL are forms of fungus--all can be annhilated with vigilant, usage of antifungal OTC & prescriptive measures. Compliance in the efficacy of treatment & termination of the fungus is the bottom line.
Posted By: ReDPloyd

Re: Ring Worm at Park City - 03/09/14 11:05 PM

We avoided the Ringworm all through Kids' Federation. Then, Sophomore year my son came home from HS State with Impetigo. Now that is some serious stuff if you don't get them on antibiotics right away. Since then, he has had it a few more times and we were told that once they get it they are very susceptible of getting it again. Whatever you do, stay away from the Impetigo.
Posted By: Teamroper

Re: Ring Worm at Park City - 03/10/14 01:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Coach Lane
Ring worm is a pain, and I have seen plenty of it, quite honestly at this point in the year they should just wrap it where possible and wrestle. With that said, Tracy, how is that ringworm on that kid not contagious? What is the doctor saying that makes it so? I'm just curious.

If you go by rule, as long as it's treated for a certain time it allowable, but I saw it last week and wondered how he could wrestle with it the way it was.

The MD that looked at it twice two weeks in a row deemed it non contagiouos I guess. He is signing his name on the dotted line not me. I think this last not said no new growth or spots and all appear to be still dry or something ot that effect. He was also put on antibodics early in the week, which rule stated on the sheet is 72 hours before they can resume competition, which he had been on the cream for a week plus.

I have been around long enough and honestly have never had to deal with it hardly at all. (which is a good thing) I am not even versed in it very well so all I know is get to the doctor and get it healed.
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