Kansas Wrestling

Scott Elliot

Posted By: sam25

Scott Elliot - 03/08/07 11:06 PM

it pains me to see that this magnificent wrestler no longer has the ability to become a 4 time state champion of the world.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/08/07 11:12 PM

If you like to run your mouth about Ark City wrestlers, Grahm and Elliot, why don't you come down to the room and we will see what really pains you. Have you cracked the C team yet?
Posted By: sam25

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/08/07 11:25 PM

why yes i have. i will crack your c team
Posted By: wrestle007

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 12:55 AM

elliot is a 3X finalist and 2X state champion and one of the best competitors in the state of kansas. he will go on to have a magnificent wrestling career in college assuming he chooses to do so. their is no reason to talk any crap on that kid so shut your mouth sam.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 01:49 AM

wow seem a little touchy in here maby their the ones who ate Furches. Sam I am, oh sam I say why don't you have a nice day. Nice call you know by the tone.
Posted By: Mike Furches

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 02:50 AM

 Originally Posted By: Troll
wow seem a little touchy in here maby their the ones who ate Furches. Sam I am, oh sam I say why don't you have a nice day. Nice call you know by the tone.

It is sad when someone comes on here and attacks or puts down HS kids, it is even sadder when some of those people don't realize some of us know who they are.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 06:01 AM

Sam and Troll, Give me a name and I will walk up to you introduce myself, shut you up and then post my bail and I will get out of jail before you get out of the hospital. If neither one of you are 18 I'll whip your daddy for not teaching you correct principals.

Chad Beeson

Sam the only way you will crack AC's C team is if we only have a two guys at the weight you maggot turd.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 12:03 PM

Flopping like a fish.
Wake up man its 2007.
Your anger is starting to show.
Keep your cool or you will lose the match.
It's not worth getting all fired up.
Your day will come.
Insecurity shows up in your tone.
So all that take does absolutly nothing so solve your situation.
I have never seen a maggot turn that must be pretty small.
You must have very good eyesight the real question is how's your hearing can you hear be now.
Mr. Furches is was in no way an insult my intent was to raise the tone of these post to lighter mood Beeson has talked with aggression before don't know who he is or what he is so i ask you not to judge having the all security clearance, I don't judge I just sit under the bridge and wait for my turn.
Beeson I have been around for a long time and let me give you a word of advice be careful what you say especially if you don't know who you are talking to you never know the mental stability of another individual. I will be at kids state and if you want an exibition see if Juby will let it happen so every one can enjoy it.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 12:19 PM

Your mental stability shows by hiding under your bridge. Give Juby clearance to post your name since your afraid to and set up the match.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 12:28 PM

Well young man I am 46 years old today.
You might be right in my mental stability hs be suspect as late. you are the one that got on to a kids form and said you would physically attack some one else. I have sent a copy of this post to the law enforcment opfficials. I don't need to have Juby set up any thing and I will introduce my self to you.
Posted By: Smyllll

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 12:31 PM

Scott elliot is strong and has great technique, the makings of a great wrestler.
Posted By: Dean Welsh

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 04:00 PM

 Originally Posted By: sam25
it pains me to see that this magnificent wrestler no longer has the ability to become a 4 time state champion of the world.

Dan Gable lost an important match once (his last college match) and manage to come back and do quite well after that (Gold medal at the Olympics). May the same principal be true for Scott.
Posted By: Jason McComb

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 04:43 PM

It pains me to see a 46 year old talk about a high school wrestler!!!! It pains me to read how illiterate a 46 year old man makes simple grammar errors. It pains me to see people hide behind a made up profile name. I have little to no respect for anybody that posts a negative opinion on a youth public forum. When a wrestler has the courage to step on the mat and give his best there is always a chance of a win or lose. Scott Elliot is amazing and should be congratulated on his success for all three years. Don't confuse ability with opportunity! Scott has the ability to accomplish whatever he chooses. Scott may have had a bad day. He is still one of Kansas's elite wrestlers. If you know Scott as I do you would also know that he has an incredible amount of heart? It pains me greatly to read a negative comment about a kid with as much heart as Scott Elliot. Two of you on this thread have let your mouth (or typing) say things that other people would be ready to defend on Scott's behalf. I would like to see the 46 year old trash talker go a match with Scott's Dad (Mike). Every time he shows a move the word pain is accurate. Everybody should show there name on a kids forum. If it wasn't a kid’s forum then it might be ok to hide behind a made up profile.

Jason McComb
Posted By: muffdiver0707

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 05:22 PM

Dude i idolize scott elliot... and im older than him. Hes like one of my favorite wrestlers to watch. I'm in no way bashing on him, but i think its great to see such a great wrestler with the lack of luster he has. He's not the flashiest wreslter in the state, nor is he the strongest... but hes great. Its astonishing how some kids have great physique, and are still nowhere near elliots abilities. I love to watch him wrestle because he's not buff like some kids... and he still beats those strong kids. Once again i'd like to point out that im in no way talking bad about him, but pointing out what makes him a unique wretler.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 06:04 PM

Let me get this straight, you antagonize people behind a blanket of secrecy and then want to call foul when you are called out. For the record threatening you is like threatening a fictional character such as Daffy Duck or Bugs Bunny. It becomes real when you are revealed, which is what your afraid of. Speak as though people know who you are and these kind of situations would not happen. By the way Happy Birthday if it really is.
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 09:18 PM

Why do you guys even bother responding to statements like these? No one respects the comments or the people behind them and by responding to them you're just letting them get under your skin for no reason. Everyone respects Scott and his abilities, so there's absolutely no reason to pay any attention to this topic.

Have some maturity and just let it die.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/09/07 09:25 PM

 Originally Posted By: LancerM
Why do you guys even bother responding to statements like these? No one respects the comments or the people behind them and by responding to them you're just letting them get under your skin for no reason. Everyone respects Scott and his abilities, so there's absolutely no reason to pay any attention to this topic.

Have some maturity and just let it die.

I agree! If the original post is so offensive then hit the "report" button and let the moderators deal with it. By responding you only do what the trolls want.
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 06:09 AM

Troll and another 2 names on the threads have the same ICQ meaning it is all coming from a same computer.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 02:23 PM

Sorry if I ruffled your feathers chickenhawks
Just trying to point out how the tone of the tread was.
I have know Mr. Elloit and his son for probably as long or longer than most of you. An It pains me to have to come on here and justify myself to apease a bunch of insecure individuals The thickness of you skin has really shown in your comments.
Again I Appologize. And to the moderators judge me if you so choose but i am who i am and that's all i will ever be so with my parting thought maybe I will speak to you in my next life if there is such a thing. Swayz you might check that I only have two.
Posted By: Scott_Keller

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 03:42 PM

All this focus on Scott Elliot. You have to remember Ben Evans wrestled in that match too. I'd say he deserves some credit for wrestling such a good match.
Posted By: usa wrestling

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 04:32 PM

but this thread wasn't started to harm ben it was started to harm Scott. So everyone is standing up for Scott
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 05:44 PM

 Originally Posted By: Troll
Swayz you might check that I only have two.

You must also keep in mind that any other person in your house using the same computer will also have the same address. Any comments you make will not just be seen as a comment from you, but that other individual as well.
Posted By: N. Zahm

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 06:47 PM

Yes, because I count three as well Curtis. I feel he is at least partly not a liar. Don't you?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 07:58 PM

well it's not in my house and its not any of your business so don't bring any one any one else in my household. I will take this real a real threat. If you want to go there I play for keeps so its best left alone and if you threaten my family again. I will take this to a higher power or lower power how ever you see it. If you would like to know where I got the nick name it was in the Marine Corps where I served. I'm done with the talk so you know whats left.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 08:40 PM

Wow, super defensive. In no way did I threaten you or your family. I simply stated that you and the other people using the same ip as you will be associated with each other. And if you don't want that then perhaps you should tell everyone who you are as to clear the other person's name.
Posted By: chewbacca

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/12/07 10:27 PM

ha! i get it now! this guy was trying to be controversial because it's the "in" thing for young whipper snappers to do.

or he was trying to be stupid, im not really sure
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 05:12 AM

I meant to say IP not ICQ and I will say let your wrestling do the talking at big tournaments (especially ones on the National Level in the preseason or summer). Several coaches want to know about someone else using your IP address (if indeed you aren't someone else), I know that person has the grades and talent and I've gone to bat for him a lot.
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 04:39 PM

 Originally Posted By: Troll
well it's not in my house and its not any of your business so don't bring any one any one else in my household. I will take this real a real threat. If you want to go there I play for keeps so its best left alone and if you threaten my family again. I will take this to a higher power or lower power how ever you see it. If you would like to know where I got the nick name it was in the Marine Corps where I served. I'm done with the talk so you know whats left.

Posted By: N. Zahm

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 05:21 PM

 Originally Posted By: Troll
well it's not in my house and its not any of your business so don't bring any one any one else in my household. I will take this real a real threat. If you want to go there I play for keeps so its best left alone and if you threaten my family again. I will take this to a higher power or lower power how ever you see it. If you would like to know where I got the nick name it was in the Marine Corps where I served. I'm done with the talk so you know whats left.

You have got to be kidding me!
Posted By: kvpxyt

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 05:32 PM

Go away Troll!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 05:39 PM

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 05:43 PM

Yes back to your cage you filty animal.
Posted By: sonnersftbl4life

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 05:57 PM

 Originally Posted By: Troll
well it's not in my house and its not any of your business so don't bring any one any one else in my household. I will take this real a real threat. If you want to go there I play for keeps so its best left alone and if you threaten my family again. I will take this to a higher power or lower power how ever you see it. If you would like to know where I got the nick name it was in the Marine Corps where I served. I'm done with the talk so you know whats left.

This guy is freaking funny. How come you feel so threatened? Is it because you were saying something that got you in too deep, and your only way out was to react by saying you will get the police involved. HA HA HA HA!!! I thought MARINES were some of the toughest people on the planet. lol.
Posted By: TeddyBallgame

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/13/07 06:02 PM

I can tell ya from experience this guy doesn't act much like a Marine. He's all over the board (literally). He must have gotten a medical discharge (mental health) if he was in the Marines.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/14/07 01:39 PM

As crazy as you see the troll at least he was big enough to public apologize for ruffling you feathers.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/14/07 04:24 PM

Posted By: nclayton

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/14/07 06:13 PM

Someone delete this thread. Please before I kill myself.
Posted By: Beeson

Re: Scott Elliot - 03/15/07 06:25 AM

Come on is this really a post worth dying for?
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