Kansas Wrestling

cutting weight

Posted By: Svo69

cutting weight - 11/27/07 09:48 PM

Recognizing that today we have hydration tests which may prevent significant weight loss, I'm curious about how much weight some wrestlers may have "cut" over the years, particularly some of the more dramatic weight losses (i.e. compare the natural or "walking" weight of a wrestler before the season began with ultimate wrestling weight maintained by a wrestler during the course of a season)

I'm also curious as to how these wrestlers maintained their strength, endurance or stamina during the course of the season, under such circumstances.
Posted By: Malay #189

Re: cutting weight - 11/28/07 12:45 AM

Haha. I cut 46 this year. i got really heavy and showed up weighing 230. Im now wrestling 184.
Posted By: crusaderdad

Re: cutting weight - 11/28/07 03:19 AM

Back in the early 80's I cut twenty pounds from 146 to 126. I was a shell of myself at 126 but only had to make weight once before I got the 5 lbs after Christmas.
(It is ironic as I write this my freshman son is cutting weight for the duel on Thursday is searching our pantry knowing he can not eat.)

I am glad that I know what he is going through and I would never allow him to do the stupid things I did to make weight. Going three days without food or two days without water.

I can't honestly tell you how it affected me on the mat. I never thought it did, because I always that I was the strongest and meanest 26 pounder alive. I was not but I sure thought it!
In hindsite I should have realized that the severe lactic acid build-up and cramping after each match was not only a result of my dehydration but my lack of proper diet.

Good luck and please cut weight the right way!
The lower weight class you are trying for is not always as easy as it appears!
Posted By: usawks1

Re: cutting weight - 11/28/07 09:57 AM

... but a lot of guys and parents are trying to find a competitive edge!

I had a quote in another post that I think fits well, "parents should prepare their kids for the path, instead of preparing the path for their kids!"
Posted By: vike82

Re: cutting weight - 11/28/07 03:32 PM

Probably this is my biggest pet peeve as a mother!!! While my son is only cutting about 7 lbs this year, he cuts by eating my lunch and not the schools, dropping all snacks etc. Last year they had a BBQ lunch at the school, he gained 5 lbs in one day because of it. Coming into practice the day before weigh in 5 lbs heavy lets say is not a good idea!!! Coaches tend to be a little angry and you tend to run alot and get out of practice late. We've since made the deal that he has to eat healthy and what I fix during the week and then on day he wrestles he gets to determine the meal on what he has been craving.

My advise, stay away from the carb heavy school lunches.
Posted By: Svo69

Re: cutting weight - 11/28/07 11:33 PM

Malay (189): I got to admit that I would not have been surprised to hear of wrestlers in the past who would have made such supreme sacrifices (i.e.cut 46 pounds); but today, I'm kinda shocked. I'm left to surmise that you must be a true spartan and/or an extremely dedicated wrestler (since I don't know you, I can offer no other explanation). I was "thinking" that perhaps alot - if not most - elite wrestlers (not that you referred to yourself as an "elite" wrestler), probably cut, on average, somewhere between 15 & 25 pounds. With that said, I'm left to believe that your personal experience this year is a gross aberration and not really reflective of most wrestlers (elite or otherwise). I'm still gonna keep an eye on you Malay. Good Luck!
Posted By: coach craig

Re: cutting weight - 11/29/07 01:27 AM

The most dramatic weight reduction I had was 35lbs. I played football at 170 and weighed in at 135 for regionals my senior year. Do I regret it??? Nope. Did I learn from it??? Yep. Would I let my child do something that drastic??? No way. The one thing I would do is let him cut what was needed. I don't think it is such a bad thing for a wrestler to pull 10 lbs for the team if needed. I think it is a good thing if done right. Plus it lets you know that you can do about anything if you sacrifice a little.
Posted By: 33_dup1

Re: cutting weight - 11/30/07 12:58 PM

What are some good meals that will help in cutting weight. We know the exercise and cut down on meals and no junk. But would like to hear some meals thoughts.
Posted By: vike82

Re: cutting weight - 11/30/07 03:26 PM

We substitute spaghetti squash for noodles, they don't seem to mind it and easy to fix(microwave). It will never replace mac and cheese but still lets them have some of their favorites like spaghetti, parmesan chicken and chicken alfredo. We also grill year round and try to have a salad/vegetable at every meal.

I've gotten lucky that my boys don't turn down trying anything new. I'm even working on a new recipe that includes brussel sprouts
Posted By: LancerLou

Re: cutting weight - 11/30/07 04:14 PM

Not much experience at cutting a lot of weight, just maintaining. My son has not had pop in 3-4 years (his choice). His main foods are cheerios with skim milk, grilled chicken breasts, whole grain breads, bananas and lots of water.
Posted By: MAS

Re: cutting weight - 11/30/07 04:55 PM

 Originally Posted By: LancerLou
Not much experience at cutting a lot of weight, just maintaining. My son has not had pop in 3-4 years (his choice). His main foods are cheerios with skim milk, grilled chicken breasts, whole grain breads, bananas and lots of water.

Good point the term cutting weight is not really a positive term to be used for the sport of wrestling referring to losing large amounts of weight in short periods of time. The old days of plastics suits to lose water weight and jumping rope in showers are illegal and not healthy. I agree maintain the weight all year even on the weekends and life is a lot better for your son and your self \:\)
Posted By: vike82

Re: cutting weight - 11/30/07 06:36 PM

I am totally on board about eating right. Eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. It's about maintaining, portion control and using your food group in your favor. If a kid is losing weight whether it is 5lbs or 30, it should be safe!!! But it comes down to choices, we need to guide them to the right choices.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: cutting weight - 11/30/07 11:03 PM

Malay is a college wrestler (trust me as well he had it to lose), do just as any other college wrestler does... I myself cut from 176 last year to 149 for an open tournament

In high school my sophomore year, after football I jumped up to 118 then back down to around 114 before season and wrestled 103. It was great until after xmas... 13-0 going into break ended the year 27-13, tougher 2nd half and having to maintain a lower weight all the time killed me. The same thing happened my Senior year 145 down to 130.

My advice isn't all about 3 little meals a day and 2 snacks. If I had to do it all over again I would do it this way.

Start the day with breakfast, whatever you want, cereal toast pop tart etc. It will jump start your metabolism and help your weight loss. No snack between lunch except chewing bubble gum. For lunch, have a glass of water. Go to practice and push yourself, but don't wear all the sweats and everything, they don't retain that much more heat, it's about how hard you work anyway. For supper eat about half of what you normally would so you only gain roughly a pound or pound & a half from food then drink 16oz. of your choice of beverage (water/gatorade/etc.). You will urninate most of what you drank out, and your body will metabolize what you ate.

Now when it comes down to a day or two before weigh in, it's not aobut what you eat but how much. I don't care if it's all carbs or all protein, it all weighs the same and will equate to the same as your body won't have time to store it. So be careful with how much you eat... I don't care how many moms say carbs will stick with you, NO THEY WON'T, and actually the glucose in it will retain more energy than protein. If you want more ideas check out the glycemic index.

Hope this is helpful.
Posted By: LancerM

Re: cutting weight - 12/01/07 12:59 AM

 Originally Posted By: Bronco Wrestler
For lunch, have a glass of water.

Tell me you're joking? Because if you're not, that may be the worst piece of nutritional advice that I have ever heard.
Posted By: klint deere

Re: cutting weight - 12/01/07 01:14 AM

Do the Blues Brothers diet

4 fried chickens and a coke,,,,that will get you there
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