Kansas Wrestling

state tournaments

Posted By: bockman

state tournaments - 01/19/13 05:25 PM

just throwing this out there and maybe it has been dis-cussed in the past. there are lots of us that would really like to see 4,5,6a combined again. we also know that may never happen. what i would like to see is maybe alternating those classes from salina to wichita. for instance this year you have 4a in salina with 5 and 6a in wichita. next year you move 6a to salina and 4 and 5a to wichita. they get a different venue every 2 years and people like me that have friends and relatives kids wrestling in 4,5, and 6a might get to see them wrestle at state. not sure how it all ties in but just an idea. im sure there are contracts and all for that but not sure. maybe someone with more knowledge could reply on this.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/19/13 10:31 PM

Wichita no longer has a facility large enough to host three classes at one time other than Intrust Arena and they have likely priced thenselves out of the state tournament business and parking would be a major problem with many complaints.
Posted By: Wells

Re: state tournaments - 01/19/13 11:06 PM

How big and what is Kansas Star Arena? I've tried to find out some information but haven't had any luck. Someone needs to put some pressure on them for information.
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/19/13 11:38 PM

if they want to make it happen sportsfan they can make it happen no matter what. if they dont want to make it happen then hell no they wont make it happen.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/20/13 01:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Wells
How big and what is Kansas Star Arena? I've tried to find out some information but haven't had any luck. Someone needs to put some pressure on them for information.

It looks to be the about the size of Hartman Arena. If so, that would make it too small for 3 classes.
Posted By: John Johnson

Re: state tournaments - 01/20/13 02:01 AM

We need a Faro Dome type building in Kansas, until we get something like that, forget it...
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 12:27 AM

ok so can somebody discuss what i really brought the topic up about and that is rotating the classes. if they cant have all 3 classes in one location couldnt they rotate the classes. sportsfan come up with something positive. i want you to break your streak of at least 1000 straight negative posts or cutting up someones post by adding negative bs. just saying.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 12:57 AM

Originally Posted By: bockman
ok so can somebody discuss what i really brought the topic up about and that is rotating the classes. if they cant have all 3 classes in one location couldnt they rotate the classes. sportsfan come up with something positive. i want you to break your streak of at least 1000 straight negative posts or cutting up someones post by adding negative bs. just saying.

Sometimes the truth hurts! I'm not the one who didn't know we don't have a facility large enough to handle three classes. On a positve note, I guess maybe we could hold it outdoors in a football stadium?
Posted By: John Johnson

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 01:02 AM

Maybe we can get the Koch brothers to build an arena we could use. They could do it with their spare change..
Posted By: Tommyboy

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 01:26 AM

Intrust arena is plenty big enough , and has plenty of parking . I know hundreds of people that have went to sold out events at Intrust and never ever have I heard one thing about parking , EVER ! I read the paper every day and have never ever heard anything about parking . Plenty of hotels , plenty of parking ( I will put a map of all the parking lots around the arena tomorrow on this site ), plenty of resturants . Lets make it happen , if not next year then next year after that , lets have all the state championships under one roof . Like Iowa and Wisconsin and Nebraska and Oklahoma and so on . People in Wichita that didn't want the arena built are still so negative about it , it's done , its built get over it .
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 01:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Tommyboy
Intrust arena is plenty big enough , and has plenty of parking . I know hundreds of people that have went to sold out events at Intrust and never ever have I heard one thing about parking , EVER ! I read the paper every day and have never ever heard anything about parking . Plenty of hotels , plenty of parking ( I will put a map of all the parking lots around the arena tomorrow on this site ), plenty of resturants . Lets make it happen , if not next year then next year after that , lets have all the state championships under one roof . Like Iowa and Wisconsin and Nebraska and Oklahoma and so on . People in Wichita that didn't want the arena built are still so negative about it , it's done , its built get over it .

Had I lived in Wichita I would have voted for Intrust so I am hardly an "anti". BUT, I also would have demanded from the elected officials that enough parking be built. The reason there has been little in the way of complaints about parking is because there are few events at Intrust and almost none on weekdays as would be the case with wrestling. BUT, there ARE complaints never the less. You just have to read the blogs and comments sections of various media to find them. You currently have retail establishments suing each other over the lack of addequate parking downtown. The parking maps are the biggest propoganda I've seen in that many of the areas they show as "public parking" are in fact private or unavailable during normal working hours. I believe even the Intrust managemnt knows their limitations in that regard and thus haven't pursued these types of events more aggressively. This is why myself and several others tried to quiet the small vocal minority on this board that complained about the Coliseum when all three classes were there. Some of us knew that the chances of us ever getting another facility that worked that well for our needs were slim and none.
You are correct, Wichita is perfect in every other way to hold three or more classes and eventually the elected officials will pull their heads out and get public parking built.
NOBODY wants all three classes back together more than I do!!!
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 02:05 AM

so in regards to rotating the classes like i explained. what are your comments about that as we all know that having all 3 classes under one roof probably wont happen until they get something built or go back to the coliseum.
Posted By: Enetophobic

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 09:19 AM

Originally Posted By: bockman
so in regards to rotating the classes like i explained. what are your comments about that as we all know that having all 3 classes under one roof probably wont happen until they get something built or go back to the coliseum.

How big is the facility that is used for Missouri? Don't they do a staggered 3 day type of state tournament, and eventually when you get down to the best athletes, they bring all the classes into the venue on the same time frame?
Posted By: TateLoweDC

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 01:20 PM

In Colorado they wrestle all classes in the same venue in a 3 day event. Thursday they will wrestle the small classifications 1st round in early afternoon and big schools in the evening. Friday morning they will wrestle quarterfinals and consolations for small schools and in the early afternoon they do the same for big schools. At 7 PM they combine all classes for the semi-finals. On saturday they wrestle small schools consolation in morning and big school in afternoon. That night they combine all classes for the finals.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/21/13 04:32 PM

Originally Posted By: bockman
so in regards to rotating the classes like i explained. what are your comments about that as we all know that having all 3 classes under one roof probably wont happen until they get something built or go back to the coliseum.

You're asking the wrong person. You probably need to address that to the 3-2-1A people. They would be the ones having to move. I would personally have no problem with two classes at each venue. I know Hays could never hold two classes but Salina and Wichita certainly could.
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 03:00 AM

the only ones that would have to move would be 4,5 and 6a. that would be every other year. i stated already that 5 and 6a would be in wichita and 4a in salina. then next year 6a move to salina and 4 and 5a in wichita. the next year would be 5a in salina and 4 and 6a in wichita. 3,2, and 1a would still stay in hays like normal. its just a suggestion. i just figured you post on everything else so you would be one of the people that would offer a suggestion sporto
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 12:43 PM

Originally Posted By: bockman
the only ones that would have to move would be 4,5 and 6a. that would be every other year. i stated already that 5 and 6a would be in wichita and 4a in salina. then next year 6a move to salina and 4 and 5a in wichita. the next year would be 5a in salina and 4 and 6a in wichita. 3,2, and 1a would still stay in hays like normal. its just a suggestion. i just figured you post on everything else so you would be one of the people that would offer a suggestion sporto

I don't know what you gain by just rotating the three classes.
Posted By: doug747

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 02:27 PM

The opportunity to watch other kids that your kids may have wrestled against, with, etc.........during kids wrestling
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 03:13 PM

Originally Posted By: doug747
The opportunity to watch other kids that your kids may have wrestled against, with, etc.........during kids wrestling

After the old days of having all three classes together I admit I'm a bit jaded. If I can't see all three then why bother. Besides, it would just happen that the year I wanted to see a particular wrestler or wrestlers from another class they would be at another location by chance. I don't see KSHSAA ever putting 6A as a stand alone tournament. They would never support the gate enough to pay for the facility.
Posted By: Purple_Freak

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 04:41 PM

It is my belief that people do not have a parking problem at Instust, instead they have a I dont want to walk further than a few steps problem!
Posted By: Ed Wilson

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 04:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Purple_Freak
It is my belief that people do not have a parking problem at Instust, instead they have a I dont want to walk further than a few steps problem!

And we have a winner!!!
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 04:45 PM

Originally Posted By: Purple_Freak
It is my belief that people do not have a parking problem at Instust, instead they have a I dont want to walk further than a few steps problem!

If by a few steps you mean to the north end of old town or Lawrence Dumont stadium, at night, you would be correct. I don't have my concealed carry permit yet and I wouldn't be able to take it into Intrust even if I did!
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/22/13 09:48 PM

i think the problem with intrust is that it costs too much to hold it there. like doug said if you rotate the classes you get a different venue. some schools would be closer and some would be further every 2 years. i dont know why 6a wouldnt cover gate costs as there are the same amount of kids at state. only difference is you might have more schools involved. in that case i dont see a problem with combining 5 and 6a to equal the amount of schools in 4a alone.
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 04:03 AM

Only 7 states do not wrestle ALL CLASSES in one venue on the same weekend. We are definitely in the minority.
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 06:23 AM

maybe since wsu wont get a football team they can put a roof over cessna stadium.
Posted By: westwrestling

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 01:40 PM

I would think with all 4 classes under the same roof and if they combine the money there spending on separate arenas they could afford Intrust Arena? Moreover look at the additional revenue from hotel accommodations concession sales and as we all know excitement generates excitement. This all equals more fans, which equals more dollars for Kansas wrestling. Has anyone even approached Intrust Arena? This is a no brainier when it comes to promoting our sport in Kansas. Kansas High School wrestling would make a ton of money if they put all 4 classes under one roof. I believe Intrust Arena could accommodate 4 classes. My Thoughts
Posted By: Tommyboy

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 02:08 PM

Intrust would be perfect , plenty of parking (there is 1200 parking spaces not being used during the day 2 blocks away from Intrust arena), plenty of hotels , plenty of resturants .

Dan Gentzler
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 02:32 PM

321a won't ever leave hays
Posted By: C. Morgan

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 02:58 PM

It doesnt look like it will happen but I was hoping KS wrestling politics would find a way to get this debacle right before my son graduated.

After a few years of following the rants and raves of this board it seems the majority would like to see all four classes wrestle the state champioship under one roof.

Apparently whoever the reps are on the State Athletics board and regional boards can't read, don't care, or have an agenda that is not in line with the majority.

As I have suggested in the past: I recommend K-State and Bramledge Colliseum. It is big enough to hold the crowd and parking requirements. And unlike Wichita Bramledge is centrally located within the state.

Missouri accomplishes all four classes under a comparable roof (MIZZOU Arena).

Below is the schedule MO uses to bring the entire wrestling community together:

Thursday, Feb. 16
Session 1 (8 mats - 336 matches)
9 a.m. Gates Open
10 a.m. Class 1 First-Round Results
10 a.m. Class 2 First-Round Results
10 a.m. Class 1 First-Round Wrestlebacks Results
10 a.m. Class 2 First-Round Wrestlebacks Results

Thursday, Feb. 16
Session 2 (8 mats - 336 matches)
4 p.m. Gates Open
5 p.m. Class 3 First-Round Results
5 p.m. Class 4 First-Round Results
5 p.m. Class 3 First-Round Wrestlebacks Results
5 p.m. Class 4 First-Round Wrestlebacks Results

Friday, Feb. 17
Session 3 (8 mats - 616 matches)
8:30 a.m. Gates Open
9:30 a.m. Class 1 Quarterfinals Results
9:30 a.m. Class 2 Quarterfinals Results
9:30 a.m. Class 1 Second-Round Wrestlebacks Results
9:30 a.m. Class 2 Second-Round Wrestlebacks Results
1:30 p.m. Class 3 Quarterfinals Results
1:30 p.m. Class 4 Quarterfinals Results
1:30 p.m. Class 3 Second-Round Wrestlebacks Results
1:30 p.m. Class 4 Second-Round Wrestlebacks Results
6 p.m.* Class 1 Semifinals Results
6 p.m.* Class 2 Semifinals Results
6 p.m.* Class 3 Semifinals Results
6 p.m.* Class 4 Semifinals Results
6 p.m.* Class 1 Third-Round Wrestlebacks Results
6 p.m.* Class 2 Third-Round Wrestlebacks Results
6 p.m.* Class 3 Third-Round Wrestlebacks Results
6 p.m.* Class 4 Third-Round Wrestlebacks Results

Saturday, Feb. 18
Session 4 (8 mats - 280 matches)
9 a.m. Gates Open
10 a.m. Class 1 Fourth-Round Wrestlebacks Results
10 a.m. Class 2 Fourth-Round Wrestlebacks Results
10 a.m. Class 3 Fourth-Round Wrestlebacks Results
10 a.m. Class 4 Fourth-Round Wrestlebacks Results
12 Noon Class 1 Fifth-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 2 Fifth-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 3 Fifth-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 4 Fifth-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 1 Third-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 2 Third-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 3 Third-Place Matches Results
12 Noon Class 4 Third-Place Matches Results

Saturday, Feb. 18
Session 5 (4 mats - 56 matches)
3:30 p.m. Gates Open
4 p.m. Finalists March
4:30 p.m. Class 1 Championship Bouts Results
4:30 p.m. Class 2 Championship Bouts Results
4:30 p.m. Class 3 Championship Bouts Results
4:30 p.m. Class 4 Championship Bouts Results

Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 03:22 PM

Originally Posted By: C. Morgan
And unlike Wichita Bramledge is centrally located within the state.

I always get a chuckle out of people who think somewhere is northern Kansas is the geographic center of the state. I would venture to guess that you would be lucky to get 4 full mats on the floor of Blamledge.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 04:01 PM

There is another alternative. We could add another layer of elimination, a sub-state, like we had many years ago when state was still in high school gyms, and have 8-man brackets at state. We would push the regionals up to the week prior to the current date and have sub-state on the weekend we currently have state. Then our state tournament would be the 1st weekend of March and just prior to the arenas getting busy with that other winter sport.
Posted By: C. Morgan

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 04:15 PM

Glad I could amuse. I agree it isn't the the exact geopgrapical center of the state. I also agree its north and east of Wichita.

If the Floor level seats at Bramledge roll back or are not permanent...you can get eight mats in the place.

If the smart guys can find a place to have a Grand State Tournament...I could care less where it is and will travel there without complaint.
Posted By: Chief Renegade

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 06:57 PM

Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
I would venture to guess that you would be lucky to get 4 full mats on the floor of Blamledge.

8 mats will fit at Bramlage.
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 07:10 PM

Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
I would venture to guess that you would be lucky to get 4 full mats on the floor of Blamledge.

8 mats will fit at Bramlage.

Even if that is true, which I doubt, that still doesn't solve the problem of more than two classes being there. To adequately serve three classes you need 9 mats as we used to do at the Coliseum. If you have only two classes there it's a waste of seating in that you wouldn't fill it even half full.
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 07:40 PM

Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
There is another alternative. We could add another layer of elimination, a sub-state, like we had many years ago when state was still in high school gyms, and have 8-man brackets at state. We would push the regionals up to the week prior to the current date and have sub-state on the weekend we currently have state. Then our state tournament would be the 1st weekend of March and just prior to the arenas getting busy with that other winter sport.

I would say we should have only two 16 team regionals and have 8 wrestlers at state for 5A and 6A. 25% of the wrestlers just like 4A.
Posted By: C. Morgan

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 07:42 PM

Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
I would venture to guess that you would be lucky to get 4 full mats on the floor of Blamledge.

8 mats will fit at Bramlage.

Even if that is true, which I doubt, that still doesn't solve the problem of more than two classes being there. To adequately serve three classes you need 9 mats as we used to do at the Coliseum. If you have only two classes there it's a waste of seating in that you wouldn't fill it even half full.

Sporto- How are you so sure EMAW land can't accomodate eight mats? Enlighten us.

WRT all classes under one roof, there will be times when every seat isnt filled. The empty seat phenomenon is compensated for by applying a fee to every session. I dont know how it worked with 3 classes.
Posted By: smokeycabin

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 07:46 PM

I like what they do in NAIA wrestling. More than 1 guy from the same team may qualify in the same weight. Track can have 2 sprinters in the 100 yard dash, high jump, long jump or shot put.
Swim teams can can more than 1 team member in the same event.

Any thoughts on that?
Posted By: sportsfan02

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 07:55 PM

Originally Posted By: C. Morgan

Sporto- How are you so sure EMAW land can't accomodate eight mats? Enlighten us.

Because like every other campus arena in this state it was built for one purpose and one purpose only, and the thought of ever having mats covering the floor never crossed their minds. What makes it any different than Koch Arena or Allen Field House?

Originally Posted By: C. Morgan

The empty seat phenomenon is compensated for by applying a fee to every session

They did that in the early days at the Coliseum. You talk about some pissed off spectators when they had to be rousted out into the cold weather after a session. It always took security and much patience to make it happen. For some people the announcements that they needed to clear the arena just did not apply to them. And of course the people who politely left when requested were left out in the cold waiting on the non-compliant ones. Eventually KSHSAA figured it was easier to just charge a bigger gate than to try to clear the arena after a session.
Posted By: C. Morgan

Re: state tournaments - 01/23/13 08:20 PM

Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Originally Posted By: C. Morgan

Sporto- How are you so sure EMAW land can't accomodate eight mats? Enlighten us.

Because like every other campus arena in this state it was built for one purpose and one purpose only, and the thought of ever having mats covering the floor never crossed their minds. What makes it any different than Koch Arena or Allen Field House?

Originally Posted By: C. Morgan

The empty seat phenomenon is compensated for by applying a fee to every session

They did that in the early days at the Coliseum. You talk about some pissed off spectators when they had to be rousted out into the cold weather after a session. It always took security and much patience to make it happen. For some people the announcements that they needed to clear the arena just did not apply to them. And of course the people who politely left when requested were left out in the cold waiting on the non-compliant ones. Eventually KSHSAA figured it was easier to just charge a bigger gate than to try to clear the arena after a session.

That's interesting. It is always achieved at MIZZOU Arena with much civility. It isnt the ideal situation to be rousted but it is what allows us to afford the arena. Most hang out around or inside their vehicles between sessions...kind of tailgating. Or go to eat..ya know whatever...people find ways to overcome a temporary unpleasant situation.

You can be pissed and anxious about change or continue staus quo and use broken down venues such as the Bicentennial Center.
Posted By: bockman

Re: state tournaments - 01/24/13 02:00 AM

my concern with manhattan would be is there enough hotels. i know there are a ton of hotels in wichita. would koch arena at wsu not be big enough. not sure about the parking there though. there probably isnt a perfect situation but we need to make it as close as we can to perfect for the wrestlers themselves. sending off the seniors with a bang and something they will never forget. having all classes in one location makes it quite a bit easier for colleges to come and watch all in one weekend.
Posted By: C. Morgan

Re: state tournaments - 01/24/13 12:02 PM

Good Point Scott. I assumed Manhattan had enough hotels given the fact they host several sold out Big 12 football games each year. I know JC has built several hotels over the last 10 yrs...not sure about Manhappiness.

I suggest Bramlage becasue it is a building I have been in. I know 8 mats will fit. I have no idea if its a possibility at Koch Arena or Allen Field House.

What about the Expo Center in Topeka? No one ever suggests Topeka. What am I missing WRT to the Expo Centers perceived shortcomings? I've attended many Kids State tourneys there and if memormy serves me, it seems that building would work. Plenty of amenities in Topeka...parking, hotels, restaurants, etc.
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: state tournaments - 01/24/13 12:09 PM


Every year...UGH

I don't think Allen Field House can hold 8 mats.

There should be plenty of hotel space in Manahattan. No way does the state tournament draw as many fans as a Wildcat Football game.
Posted By: C. Morgan

Re: state tournaments - 01/24/13 12:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Cokeley

Every year...UGH

I don't think Allen Field House can hold 8 mats.

There should be plenty of hotel space in Manahattan. No way does the state tournament draw as many fans as a Wildcat Football game.

Yes, every year but its my favorite topic. KS has a lot of things right when it comes to wrestling but this state fiasco aint one of them.

The same way you pile on the refs every chance you get...each year when this topic comes up, I jump on it. BTW, I agree with every point you make about the refs. I have witnessed all of what you talk about this year and it isn't pretty.

Got it...the circus runs us out of town. If a Grand State would ever actually be a reality, the smart guys might have to look at adjusting the wrestling season IOT secure the facility it requires to make it happen.
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