Kansas Wrestling

Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE

Posted By: M.Church_AD

Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE - 01/07/14 04:31 PM


Sean Deshazer chases lofty goal at Heights
Mike Mendez Photo Mike Mendez, Web Producer, mmendez@kwch.com
POSTED: 07:26 PM CST Jan 06, 2014
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The voice of Wichita Heights head wrestling coach Mike Church echoes off the walls in the practice room, and the message is loud and clear. As the wrestlers run laps, he lets them know that the expectations are high, and he will not let them settle for less.

For Heights junior Sean Deshazer, to say that expectations are high is an understatement. After winning a state title in both his freshman and sophomore years, the dream of becoming a four-time state champion is still alive. And for Deshazer, joining the four-time club is only a part of the overall goal he has set for his high school career.

“The week of regionals, right before the state championships, we were sitting on the wall like this, and I just asked him point blank, ‘What is your goal here at Heights,’” said Church. “And I’ll never forget it. It makes me just smile to this day. He said, ‘I want to leave here the greatest wrestler that ever walked into this room.’”

To be the best wrestler to ever put on a Heights singlet is a tall order.

Kendric Maple was a two-time state champion for Heights and became the first wrestler at the University of Oklahoma to win a national championship in eight years with an undefeated season last winter.

His cousin Daniel Deshazer finished with three state titles for the Falcons, and won a national championship last year for the University of Nebraska Kearney.

Chase Nelson parlayed his two state titles at Heights to finish as the national runner-up at Kearney as well.

Matt Reed started at Oklahoma as a true freshman after winning a state title in 2011.

There have been 35 individual state championships at Heights. And despite churning out some of the best wrestlers in the country, the Falcons have never had a four-time state champion.

“That is everybody’s goal, and I’m just halfway there right now,” said Deshazer. “It would mean a lot. That would be the first four-time state champ, so, it would probably be one of my first big accomplishments.”

With such big goals, in a combat sport, pressure can be enormous. But when Deshazer takes the mat, he is just trying to have fun. And what is fun for him, is bad news for opponents.

Deshazer can strike like a viper from any position on the mat. Opponents are usually looking up at the lights before they realize what happened. His lightning shots have to be respected at all times, and he can transition from situation to situation seamlessly. A relentless commitment to offense keeps opponents on the defensive, and his undefeated record last year speaks to just how difficult your time on the mat with him will be.

Through the state tournament last year, Deshazer was nothing short of dominant. His road to the finals began with back-to-back pins, and a technical fall in the semis before beating Cody McDonald from Derby by major decision in the finals.

And while every opponent he faces knows they are about to wrestle the match of their lives, Deshazer goes into a match, no matter how big the stakes, with a relaxed demeanor.

“I just laugh,” said Deshazer. “That will just help me. If I laugh before my matches it will get me through it and I’m ready to go out there. I laugh a lot.”

As a junior this season, Deshazer has been given the roll of a team captain, which brings more responsibility to set the tone when it comes to work ethic. But despite the increased responsibility, it is apparent from his attitude on the mat, both in a competition and during practice, that he enjoys what he does.

“Some people might misinterpret it as arrogance, but it’s not,” said Church. “He is just a happy kid. He wants to have fun in everything he does. The biggest thing that he is starting to get now from wrestling is, wrestling is now becoming fun again. He is having a lot of fun wrestling. And when it is fun, it makes you more motivated and want to work harder.”

In his quest to become the best Falcon wrestler of all time, Deshazer has to win a third title before he can win a fourth. But through continued hard work in the wrestling room, he is ready for February.

“I am looking forward to the finals,” said Deshazer. “I just want to hang another bracket up and just ready to get on the podium and smile.
Posted By: shipmanm

Re: Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE - 01/07/14 09:49 PM

How is Sean related to Tristan. He was a 4x state champion. Remarkable athlete who also dominated opponents. Saw him win all 4 of his titles.
Posted By: CoachS

Re: Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE - 01/08/14 12:38 PM

Sean is Tristan's cousin.
Posted By: Dean Welsh

Re: Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE - 01/09/14 05:28 PM

Very impressive. Its cool to see that he is such a happy/joyful young man.

Thanks for sharing the article Coach Church. And . . . from the looks of that photo at the link, the dude is RIPPED. Natural? Weight room? Or . . . a lot of both? If you mind sharing, how much can he bench-press/squat?

A treat to watch wrestle. I'm excited and eager to see him again this year.
Posted By: CoachS

Re: Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE - 01/09/14 06:01 PM

Sean is a combination of natural (genetic) and weight room strength. He has worked hard the last 1.5 years in the weights class and during the summer to get stronger. These are Sean's maxes from just before Christmas break. Bench 215, Squat 255, Clean 200.

I believe that he was a 6A state powerlifting champion last year. Sadly he won't get to compete in this years 5A (Heights is 5A now) state powerlifting meet as it is being held the same weekend as state wrestling.
Posted By: Tyson Schreiner

Re: Sean Deshazer -Wichita Heights - ARTICLE - 01/09/14 10:29 PM

Very impressive. Its cool to see that he is such a happy/joyful young man.

Its clear to see why he is so happy. He wins every match:)
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