Kansas Wrestling

The Kansas City "CHIEF"

Posted By: Cokeley

The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/08/16 10:05 PM

The Kansas City “Chief”

Kansas City has a lot of Chief fans and for good reason… something special is going on. A war-cry can be heard from all around the state echoing all the way into Colorado. These warriors aren’t wearing shoulder pads they are wearing singlet’s, and the Chief fans to whom I am referring aren’t the NFL fans (well many of them are) they are fans of another Chief, Coach Eric Johnson, otherwise known as the “Chief”. Coach Johnson has been known as the “Chief” for a long time in the Kansas wrestling world for his wise leadership both on and off of the mat, and when he isn’t serving his clients as a financial adviser he can be found investing into the lives of his wrestling kids.

“Every Kid asks themselves “do I have what it takes””, says Coach Johnson, and he will go out of his way to providing the opportunity for these kids to prove that they do. This very humble, spiritual, and highly successful coach has set unprecedented standards at RMN Events marquee tournament, The Rocky Mountain Nationals. Every year the Chief recruits a war-party of champion renegade Indians, and His tribe isn’t coming to smoke a peace pipe; they are coming to take home some scalps. Of course, we hope that they are content with just leaving with some of RMN’s incredible trophies to commemorate their victories! Our security team will make sure they check their Tomahawks at the front door during registrations.

Each year the “Chief” leads his war party across the plains of Kansas starting in Topeka where warriors from different tribes send their best wrestlers to begin their trek across the state amassing more and more warriors along the way. Coach Eric’s personally developed ranking system has been successfully fielding home-bred powerhouse teams for many years constantly placing either first or second place as a team. The Chief and his tribe are the defending champions for two years straight, and this year they have another “Vision Quest” to bring home a third straight title at the Rocky Mountain Nationals, one of the most prestigious and highly recognized tournaments in the country. Coach Johnson’s teams have set the bar high, and it is no wonder that colleges are flooding the plains of Kansas looking for those top recruits that have been touched by the life of this phenomenal coach and organizer.

However, now the Cavalry has been called out, and wrestlers from every weight class will be out gunning for them. Will they have what it takes to stop these warriors? Or, will this be Custer’s last stand? Come out see for yourself this March 18-20th.
Posted By: wrestlingdad37

Re: The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/09/16 10:37 PM

I would also agree and applaud Chief for all of the hard work he does for the wrestling world. But ranking system? I think he just follows the money (cough cough)!I always have wondered what would happen if the Sons of Zebedee had the nerve to wrestle in Western Kansas. Sure they have a few studs, but I'd love to see how they'd fair against a TEAM i.e. Norton!
Posted By: Cokeley

Re: The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/10/16 12:32 AM

Originally Posted By: wrestlingdad37
I would also agree and applaud Chief for all of the hard work he does for the wrestling world. But ranking system? I think he just follows the money (cough cough)!I always have wondered what would happen if the Sons of Zebedee had the nerve to wrestle in Western Kansas. Sure they have a few studs, but I'd love to see how they'd fair against a TEAM i.e. Norton!

Really?? Here? No one stops Norton from attending the KC Stampede, Bobcat, Garden City, or even Gardner. Sign your name or go away, Mr 3 posts. Please.
Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh

Re: The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/10/16 12:34 AM

Chiefs all class team would slaughter Norton. That's how they would do.
Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh

Re: The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/10/16 12:35 AM

And any other school for that matter.
Posted By: Crossface King

Re: The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/10/16 12:51 AM

As a Western Kansas coach, I feel chief has always listened to me and my evidence when I presented a wrestler that should be considered for his rankings. I think he does a top notch job.
Posted By: L.Geyer

Re: The Kansas City "CHIEF" - 03/10/16 02:09 AM

I am not sure why Norton doesn't attend those tournaments, but I assure you they could compete. Not saying they would win those, but would compete with the best of them, just like they do at Newton.

As far a Chief goes I think he does a great job with his rankings for the most part. Me being a Western Kansas guy and originally from a small school I always would like to see more 321a guys ranked, but in the end Chief is usually pretty darn close with his rankings, and if he is off, he is one to admit that he missed it. I don't care how good you are someone is going to disagree with opinions. Even though Chief often has data to back up his rankings these are still opinions, and this gives others fire power to take shots at him.

Good job Chief with all you do for Kansas Wrestling.

Now where are all the 321a guys in the rankings? laugh laugh

Lance Geyer
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