Kansas Wrestling

Most points scored in a single period?

Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 01:44 PM

I scored 17 points in a period once and let me tell you, it was sweet. What's the most the rest of you have done?
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 01:48 PM


The kid wasn't very good though, so it's not that big of a deal.
Posted By: Ron James

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 01:55 PM

I think Orren had a match once where the score at the end of the first period was like 15-14 or something like that.
Posted By: TCarmona

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:02 PM

Was it scripted?
Posted By: Ron James

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:08 PM

No they both were really fat and sucked so they were just rolling over and over scoring reversals. It was one of the worst yet most entertaining matches I have ever coached.
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:10 PM

Ha ha ha, I was in a scripted match once. The night of JV league we had our WPA dance, the one where the girl asks the guy, and a kid from my school and I were going to wrestle in the next round. Since I was the one getting points and he wanted to go to the dance early, along with the fact that I didn't like my date and she'd asked me in front of her mom forcing me to say yes, we decided to script out match. That way he could go and I would at least not have to go to dinner.

It was so bad that the ref turned to us afterwards and goes "Well if you were just going to do that..." and laughed.

Ha ha ha, we sucked.
Posted By: TCarmona

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:24 PM

LancerM You don't suck.....
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:27 PM

You sure about that?
Posted By: TCarmona

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:30 PM

Well I didn't want to hurt his ego....
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:53 PM

Ha, I'm way too arrogant and full of myself to be hurt by that.
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 02:57 PM

Originally posted by LancerM:
Ha, I'm way to arrogant and full of myself to be hurt by that.
Do you mean that you're "too" full of yourself?

I hope that doesn't take you down any pegs....
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 03:30 PM

I hate my life.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 03:57 PM

Don't hate your life, I'm sure you're not too full of yourself. He was just joking, kinda, a little, but not so much.
Posted By: chewbacca

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 04:23 PM

i remember in the manhattan dual we threw a JV 171 lber to face Ben Coleman his senior year. we had a wager that if the kid didn't get pinned in the first period, we'd give him 10 bucks. he was down 14-0 and was on his back at the end of the period, but ended up getting pinned with one second left.
Posted By: Chase

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 04:24 PM

I remember a match during freestyle season that ended with a score of like 23-20....I don't remember what the point were in the first period though....
Posted By: Chase

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 04:25 PM

Tucker from West scored 14 points in the first period in his state finals match...
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 05:27 PM

Originally posted by billy_mcjackson_ripjc:
I scored 17 points in a period once and let me tell you, it was sweet. What's the most the rest of you have done?
Ask Furches on this one as he saw this match: 20 points for me and 15 for my opponent.
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 05:32 PM

My score was 17-1 in the first period.
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 05:56 PM

I saw a tech fall done like that 2 times in college. Mo Lawal did a takedown clinic on some poor sap and teched him in 1:36...turned around the next night and did it in 1:23!
Posted By: Trego Wrestler

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 09:05 PM

i didnt take one shot first round and got 6 takes downs in the first period at regionals this year.
The kid wasn't to good at all
i teched him in the second.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 10:40 PM

I've scored a few points in the first period before, don't know if I can compete with 6 takedowns though.
Posted By: LoveToWrestle

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/24/05 11:31 PM

In my junior and senior year, I think I tech falled 6 guys in the first period... I used legs, so all I did was get them in and kept doin the same move over and over... I don't know why more people don't use legs, works like a charm.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/25/05 06:49 AM

I use the legs when it's a close match and in the third period while I'm on top. A good way to physically and mentally beat a guy. Plus you can stall that way too, and make the bottom guy do a lot more work while your trying to turn him.
Posted By: AfternoonDelight

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/25/05 07:01 AM

i once tried to ride legs....i never did it before and ended up on my back.
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/25/05 04:21 PM

I like to throw in a leg occasionally. It usually works enough for me to get a cradle or a 3 pt turn, but most of the time I get switched after it. So really, what happened, is that I would get a point to switch from top to bottom. It would be great if I could do that everytime....
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/25/05 04:27 PM

I pretty much rode legs every single match. Fat guys get tired when they have to carry another fat guy.
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/25/05 05:22 PM

You couldn't ride me, you sack.
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/25/05 05:28 PM

You're so fat I couldn't get a leg in.

240 my ***.
Posted By: ulysses#11

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/28/05 03:01 AM

When my JV guy challenged me this last year I teched him in the first period. 17-1 or something like that. I'm not proud of it or anything, just thought I'd add it. And it was on a monday, so I had energy and could actually wrestle and not just pin him. Never done this in an actual match though.
Posted By: AfternoonDelight

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/28/05 03:39 AM

i once tech falled a guy last year 34-18
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/29/05 11:57 PM

I once beat grizzly bear at regionals.....BUAHAHAHAHA
Posted By: billy_mcjackson_ripjc

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/30/05 12:42 AM

No you didn't, I saw the results. You beat a few crappy kids, then got to state and lost to other crappy kids.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/30/05 12:45 AM

Not regionals the year before though. The first match he lost was to a complete stud.
Posted By: TCarmona

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 06/30/05 11:52 AM

Shoes got SPANKED!
Posted By: ulysses#11

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/03/05 04:11 AM

yeah i dont know what happened, oh yeah i lost
but neither of us placed so its ok
Posted By: James Joyce

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/03/05 08:41 PM

This didn't happen all in one period, but one of our wrestlers won a match by tech fall 34-19 (I believe that is the right score). They kept reversing each other for 5 points at a time. It was grotesque.
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/03/05 10:14 PM

I lost to some retard first round after being ONE of only TWO guys in the whole state tournament to have to make weight the next morning.

Ten bonus points to whoever guess who the other guy was that made weight on the second day with me. Curtis isn't allowed in this one.
Posted By: LoveToWrestle

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/08/05 04:53 AM

I'm just guessin but either Lowmaster or Elliot from augusta?
Posted By: TCarmona

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/08/05 12:23 PM

Lowmaster! We meet again! HIght HIght
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/08/05 03:37 PM

I have one tech-fall to my name, at a JV dual versus Hays. (Granby cradle like, five times.) However, I believe the most points I scored in a period was in the 8-10 range.

You can all go ahead and be way impressed now.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/08/05 10:11 PM

I once teched a kid in high school at minneapolis, in like a little over 1:10. The score was like 18-3 because I actually let someone up to take them down 3 times.

And Curtis one time had 13 takedowns in a match at regionals (at colby this year) and on the 13th one he pinned him, quite impressive if I do say so myself.

Originally posted by LoveToWrestle:
In my junior and senior year, I think I tech falled 6 guys in the first period... I used legs, so all I did was get them in and kept doin the same move over and over... I don't know why more people don't use legs, works like a charm.
They do but not just anyone can ride the legs, most people I have found successful at them are the taller not quite as big kids. The taller and lankier the better they work it seems.

Originally posted by Chase:
Tucker from West scored 14 points in the first period in his state finals match...
Chase now seriously, as a comparison again, if I remember right Tucker got killed by Tyler from West Elk (3A champ) and if he won state in 5/6A then that makes it weak right? j/k I don't want to start a fight just pad my post total.


Padding Away
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/08/05 11:02 PM

You're not starting a fight if you're saying a 5A title is week. That's just the truth.
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/08/05 11:44 PM

Affirmative. If anyone needs proof just look at the facts: the one guy I was able to tech fall was from 5A. Obviously this is a reflection of the entire class, and said classification should be ashamed.

Case closed.
Posted By: Computerized Shoes

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/09/05 06:22 AM

EXACTLY and by classification he meant mastication...which means....someone take a stab at the meaning of mastication!?
Posted By: Prant Garker

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/09/05 02:50 PM

Naturally, to masticate is to chew.
Posted By: LancerM

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/09/05 04:06 PM


My tenth grade World Geography teacher used that word all the time.
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/09/05 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Computerized Shoes:
I lost to some retard first round after being ONE of only TWO guys in the whole state tournament to have to make weight the next morning.

Ten bonus points to whoever guess who the other guy was that made weight on the second day with me. Curtis isn't allowed in this one.
It hurts that you would call me retarded, and in calling me retarded, what does that say about you?
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/11/05 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Computerized Shoes:
I lost to some retard first round after being ONE of only TWO guys in the whole state tournament to have to make weight the next morning.

Ten bonus points to whoever guess who the other guy was that made weight on the second day with me. Curtis isn't allowed in this one.
In 4a?
Posted By: LoveToWrestle

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 05:42 AM

Was I right when I guessed Lowmaster or Elliot for one of the only 2 to have to make weight?

And I wasn't tooo tall and lanky and I used legs, and pretty well I might add... 5'8 130?? But yes you are a tall and lanky bastard Alex.
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 06:11 AM

I pinned a 5a champ one year in 16 and under 275lb combined group at the Buhler Lightning Tournament.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 03:07 PM

Originally posted by LoveToWrestle:
Was I right when I guessed Lowmaster or Elliot for one of the only 2 to have to make weight?

And I wasn't tooo tall and lanky and I used legs, and pretty well I might add... 5'8 130?? But yes you are a tall and lanky bastard Alex.
I didn't get to use them/ try to defend them from you . Good luck next year by the way (I think you're still in school aren't you?).

Posted By: LoveToWrestle

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 07:26 PM

Naw I graduated this year as well... Crappy way to finish I know...
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 07:27 PM

not that mine was much better.... I shoulda been oh well that's past, now on to college
Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 09:25 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by LoveToWrestle:
[qb] Was I right when I guessed Lowmaster or Elliot for one of the only 2 to have to make weight?

It was me and Gossett, and ironically, we were the first match of the day for each other.
Posted By: Bronco Wrestler

Re: Most points scored in a single period? - 07/12/05 10:09 PM

don't keep us waiting.... who won who won who won?
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