Kansas Wrestling

What's the rule?

Posted By: Angrysteve

What's the rule? - 06/24/05 02:40 AM

Does anyone know the exact rule on needing a coach matside at jv tournaments, even if you have three wrestlers going at the same time, and only one coach?
Posted By: Aaron Sweazy

Re: What's the rule? - 06/24/05 02:45 AM

I believe you need a coach regardless...you have to have someone in their corner just in case of emergency. I know Chapman has sent a teacher to a JV tournament for lack of coaches in the past when the Varsity coach was at another tournament.
Posted By: superiorsteve

Re: What's the rule? - 06/28/05 03:28 AM

Anybody find a KSHSAA rule citation to answer this one? ........ we are genuinely curious and need help ........ how have teams dealt with this in the past when you have 3 or 4 wrestlers going at the same time and only one coach?
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