Kansas Wrestling

Tyler Graebner Book

Posted By: Mike Furches

Tyler Graebner Book - 09/04/15 02:40 PM

I know I haven't been on here in awhile, but wanted to make a post regarding a book I am writing. I will be taking a 30 day sabbatical out of state to be writing the story of Tyler. Many of you will remember Tyler and the year that the wrestling community from around the world came together. Clearly USAWKS was a HUGE part of that story. It has been a few years ago now and I am asking that all of those with stories of how the story and work around Tyler either touched you, or how you contributed. As is the case in any story, due to time, memory and much more there are at times liberties that are taken, I want this story to be as close to accurate as humanly possible, therefore, tell me your stories.

I will be leaving for Florida in 2 weeks to start work on the story where the attempt will be to complete the book in 30 days or less. I seldom come to the forums anymore, in fact, first time in awhile, but I want those of you who contributed, or who were touched by Tyler to be a part of the story with your stories.

I could say a lot more about the book and beyond efforts that are already in place, what I can say is that a portion of the proceeds of the book will be donated to a Pediatric cancer fund, to be determined and a portion will be desired to be offered to USAWKS for wrestling scholarships and benefits for needy youth wrestlers. I would hope that Mike Juby or whoever is in charge of such things would also contact me off line and off forum.

The best way to contact me is to email me at mike@furches.org with Tyler in the subject line, you can also email me at mikefurches@yahoo.com. Facebook is a good option, or to call, I do want to get as many recorded conversations as possible. For all of those contributing stories, you will be given a special thanks in the book. To call me send me a pm or email, I will get back to you the best times and number to call.
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