Originally Posted By: Curtis Chenoweth
 Originally Posted By: cptkegman
great sport yes but do your history the only reason the sport exist becuase gladator to proform infront of 87000 romans show off there abilties as a fighter but also entertianing the fans so they get payed and feed so there showing off is just tradtion

The Greeks are actually the ones responsible for starting competitive wrestling. And if you wanna get real technical, it was probably Jacob wrestling with the angel in Genesis that's really responsible for the entire idea of wrestling. Then you can trace it all the way through time after that, which is many years before the Romans. So to say that the Romans is the only reason our sport exists is not just a bit of a stretch, but a completely false statement. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Jacob wrestling with the Angel should be enough for more private colleges in the state to add wrestling..."tell me mr. athletic director...where in the good book does it mention basketball?"

Yours in wrestling,

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