103-Penka vs. Snyder from Okl. not a deep weight class but a great final matchup
look for Windham in the mix

112-Deshazer vs. Tanenbaum/Rotha this is one of the deepest weight classes with at least 7 ranked wreslters; watch for Sparr, Dakin,Jones the sleeper is Cordado from Pitt

119-Keller vs. whoever makes it out of Sparr, Rose, Biddle and Rodriguez.
not a deep weight class but one of the best wrestlers in Kansas at the top

125-Keller vs. McCormick. A great matchup here between two of the best. Not much depth here otherwise

130-Tanenbaum vs. Graham. Again, 2 of Kansas' best. Look for Mainz and Shavlik in the mix with the sleeper being Zahm

135-Means vs. Maple or Livengood-A loaded weight class at the top with a great final

140-Nelson vs. Holden or Hardy. A good final but not much depth

145-Caldwell vs. Arnold- again a great final not much depth. watch out for Schridde GB

152-Detmer vs. Fisher or Tapia. This is the most stacked weight class with 7 ranked wreslters and 3 studs. Snook/Sommerfelt and Geisen battle out for 3rd

160-Rosehammer vs. Bonewell. Great matchup. Brown from Pitt is a stud and Flores and Reinhart could be in the mix. A great weight class to watch

171-Elliott vs. Beard or Koehn. This is loaded at the top with not much depth. Watch for Chad

189-No number 1 ranked kids here but a good potential final of Long vs. Bruce. watch for Kolmer and Villegas in the mix

215-Again no number 1 ranked kids. Watch for Cole vs. Downs. Hicks and Page are also in the mix

285- Disney vs. Rodriguez. Disney is the class of this weight and alll others will battle out for silver, bronze

Outstanding wrestler to go to the winner of the 152 lb weight class.
Some outstanding final matchup potentials.