
I understand what you are saying. I know that there are some kids out there that make state with a losing record and the light goes off in their head that they want to do everything that they possibly can to get to that awards podium. But as a wrestler and a coach for a number of years, I can safely say that the number of kids who make state with a losing record who could care less and come back the next year just to struggle to qualify for state again outnumber those that do care. I think that State could be bigger and better. I am not sure about 5A because my area of "expertise" is in 6a. But I do know that I have seen way to many qualifiers that got stuck in the first minute of competition at state. As for my kids, I do have a daughter who is less than a year old. And this may be the Marine in me that is coming out, but I never ever want anything handed to my daughter. I want her to earn everything that she ever gets. And when things dont go her way I hope and pray that she gets even more determined. OF course I also realize that I have been a parent for less then a year and will have many many surprises ahead of me