
Thank you for wishing my son well at Subs. I will let him know he has another fan in his corner. Good luck with your son's season and I hope he continues on for many years to come. I can tell that you are very passionate about his wrestling and proud of his accomplishments thus far.


I have always told my son that wrestling is the most difficult sport that he or anyone his age will ever participate in. I told him that when he first started and I can't even count how many times I have told him every year since. I still believe that today and I will believe it when I wake up tomorrow.

I think I am beginning to have another belief. It would appear to me by many of the posts that I have read on this forum, and looking back on my own experience, that wrestling is also one of the most difficult sports on parents who have kids that wrestle.

I have been out of the country since September and have missed this entire wrestling season. Considering I have been very actively involved in my son's wrestling as a parent and a coach since he started wrestling seven years ago, I can only hope that this has been much harder on me than it has been on him (and my wife and our other three boys). This experience has given me a lot of time to reflect on the things that I am missing out on, and the things that I am unable to directly help him with. I can only lend my support and encouragement from thousands of miles away. Be thankful you had this season with your son, and be thankful for every season you have with him in the future. He sounds like a pretty good kid.

Lee Girard