
Imagine how things would be if we always did things the same way just because it seemed okay at the time. "We are good enough so lets just rest on our laurels and change nothing." That sort of mentality will lead to NO improvement! How many national tournaments have you been to in the lsat 20 years? How many other state tournaments? I live in Kansas and I like living here but I am not an ostrich. You are stuck in a Kansas silo! You don't want to hire coaches from outside of the state, you don't want to try other state's ideas because YOU deem our current system adequate. I am not sure why you think your coaching experience in Kansas makes you a national or college level expert. Your experience, in my opinion, doesn't validate your opinion on change or invalidate mine because I don't have equivalent experience.

Nothing has been said to discredit anyone's coaching job or performance as a wrestler. Changes COULD and WILL improve the quality of wrestling. You cannot deny that if the best Kansas wrestlers had to wrestle the best opponents in our state the bar would be raised.

In closing, there is a lot more wrestling going on out there than our four state tournaments and the coaches we have in Kansas. It is okay to learn from them.

Will Cokeley