There have been several clubs and parents express interest in satellite weigh-ins. Carroll Jr. Wrestling is giving great consideration to offering satellite weigh-ins for our tournament on Jan. 23rd. If there is enough interest, we will have only a Fri. Jan 22nd weigh-in from 6:30pm until 8:30pm at several locations. However, if there are not enough clubs willing to host a satellite weigh-in we will offer weigh-ins Fri night from 6:30pm until 8:30pm and a Sat. morning weigh-in from 6:30am until 7:30am at Carroll only. If your club would be interested in hosting a Satellite weigh-in, please contact me (Jess Keith) at (316)721-4430 or e-mail me at We hope to post and mail our flier Tues. night this week. Plese contact me anytime today or Monday if you are interested in helping as a host for weigh-ins.

Thank you
Jess Keith
Carroll Wrestling Club