The Maize "Battle of the Belt" tournament is a few weeks off, February 6th, but wanted to go ahead and put out an update on a few changes that we have. First change is that we will be offering satelite weigh-ins this year. We have Ark City, Great Bend, and Salina on board so far. Exact locations in these towns should be released next week. We are still hoping to find a team out east that might be interested in hosting a weigh-in. Maybe Eldorado or Augusta? Also, due to indefinite backorder on our previously ordered belts, we were forced to upgrade our order. The belts this year will be even BIGGER and BETTER than last year. The six year olds may need help getting it off the mat. That's about it for changes. Our tournament is split again and we will start on time and be done at a respectable hour. We have already started getting entries and are expecting 1000 plus. This should be a monster tournament. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Bryce Hughbanks
Maize Wrestling Coach