In my opinion, it takes a real man to go the parent university and listen with an open mind and be able to sit back and be willing to change some things. I've said this on another post but I didn't know Scott from anything but his posts on here before this last weekend at Tulsa, and from what I saw down there, he is already doing A LOT of things right with his son and the kids in their club. Class act and I wouldn't hesitate a second to let my son go wrestle with them again and am sending my son down to Scott's house this summer for a few days so he can go to their camp. And trust me, there isn't very many coaches or parents that I would allow my son to do that with. Guess what I'm saying is I know what "your getting to" and your post has made me sit back and re-evaluate a few things also. The last thing I tell my son before he walks on the mat and the first thing I tell him when he walks off (win or lose) is "I love you". And "please don't bridge with all his weight on you"haha