Originally Posted By: C C
Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: lylegeyer
Why all the biased speculation. Just vote on the fab five after Senior Nationals. Gives you the truth of who is the best in their weight reguardless of classification. I feel all classes 321a 4a 5a and 6a all have talented kids, and at the same time they have some very weak weights as well.


It will always be biased speculation. Part of the reason that Cokeley, Moeder and Madl are in there is because of National events.

I agre with Lyle. This Fab Five deal is rediculous speculation. None of those 5 even won by a major decision in their finals matches at state. You know, I bet that Lyle wouldn't have been on a pre-nationals "Fab Five" list either if there was one back then.

Brian Budke

So they aren't good enough because they didn't win by more than a major decision? Did you know that all of those wrestlers on that list excpet Cokeley have either been in the same bracket or have wrestled their opponent more than once. The more you wrestle someone the closer it should get every time. Eventually they should figure out how to beat them. A prime example would be Trey Holden and Bradly Little.