While coaching my nephew and one of my good friend's son, as novice wrestlers, we went to the Derby Tournament (pre-novice championship). We'd been there all day and starting to feel a little punch drunk anyway. The young 5 year only my nephew was wrestling toed the line quickly and readied himself for battle. My nephew attacked the kid in a whirl wind and his foe didn't respond at all. The foe simply went to his back and wiggled for several seconds. The boys jumped up with smiles and laughed to the line. As the young opponent proceded to our corner, and with the biggest crap-eatin' grin high fived us and said, "Now I'm goin' to the circus."

I didn't even have a chance to ask my nephew what he was smiling for. I assumed it was for the victory he'd just earned.

Nope - He asked "Can I go to the circus with that kid too." Needles to say we had a great time at the circus.

Last edited by Jason Halling; 03/09/10 02:04 AM.

Jason Halling