
1) the high school season was either done after state or still going. we still have sr. nationals, kids state, and the senior classic...these events are no less high school events than the metro classic. plus then we get into greco/freestyle and whole other host of things. high school baseball ends in you think that baseball season ends in may? of course not, some of the best "high school" aged baseball happens at the summer tournaments that are played through july and then some fall ball that is played through october...same concept here, just because KSHSAA no longer has wrestling doesn't mean it has ceased.

2) i don't hate basketball, i can enjoy watching game from time to time. is it nearly the great sport wrestling is? no, not even close. however, i think what fired people up is that people took your comparison of bball to wrestling as you saying bball was better. you call the big bball weekend "biggest in hs sports." this insinuates that it's better than wrestling (and football, soccer, baseball, etc. for that matter). you refer to wrestling as a "family" event while basketball is a "community" event. the way you put that makes it look like you are favoring basketball. if you want to go watch basketball instead of post on this forum then do it. i don't care and i'm guessing neither does anyone else on here--but don't give us pro basketball comparisons and don't tell us when the season is over.