Coach Nordhues will do an excellent job at Colby. And also, Coach Lampe did not retire. He has started a program up at Goodland Technical College and it is going to be a great opportunity for him. Unfortunately Colby did not treat Coach Lampe too well and that is disappointing to hear. I talked to Coach Lampe this last weekend out at NHSCA in Virgina Beach and he was pretty upset about it. He had great things to say about his former program, but he wasn't seeing eye to eye with the current administration. I know Coach Lampe very well and it would take a lot for him to leave Colby. He will do a great job at Northwest Tech and I'm excited to see what he can do with that program. It is going to be awesome, because he will have so much more to offer at Colby also and kids have a couple of different routes to choose from with it being a technical school.