Super bracket was D1 U14 100 in Districts. Two three time State placers not advancing, all four who advanced finished in the top five at the State tournament. Beeson, sorry I had to chime in. Like you, I see these threads thrown out there each year. I guess I felt bad at one point that I wouldn't let my son cut to 95 where he had been earlier in the year (continued to grow throughout the season). He wanted to, and I am sure that he could have made it. If he would have been at 95, he would likely have made it to State and possibly placed. Looking back, I am glad that he wrestled in that bracket and that I made the decision I did. No tears were shed, no "see dad, I told you I should have wrestled 95", just a young man that gave it everything he could and, in the end, it just wasn't good enough.

Lee Girard