Galen,s post was very inspirational to me. My purpose is to provide my children what they need to get through life. down the road, I hope my son can look at life this way. He hasn,t had medicaal problems thus far. but he is an obese kid. His accomplishments started 3 years ago. But what he did at state this year made me proud. No is is not a state champion. But what he did to get there took a great deal of dicipline, sweat and even tears. TOHK made my kid a better wrestler. My boy wrestled against them every week for 2 years. The quality they bring to the mat speaks for itself. and yes I get emotionally involved at trying to beat their kids. But win or lose, I have learned to leave it on the mat. Galen complimented my son at park city. he said he made a good shot. TOHK are good people. nobody knows the committment these people make in the culture they are from. unless you grew up in the intercity, you dont know what its like to have the odds against you. I grew up in the KC area. Wyandotte County. I beat the odds as well as alot of the coaches being slandered on this forum. KS wrestling wouldnt be the same without TOHK. And how many lifes have been impacted by Charlie Knox and his coaches. just as many or more than any club in KS. Galen, I appreciate your post. It was great to do some soul searching. Thanks. See ya around. Charlie King/Wichita Aztecas