Without pointing fingers, and without knowing the circumstances behind the reasons, I have to say this:

I don't know if most of us realize just HOW MUCH WORK it takes to put an event like this together. There are so many people that are backing out, it has to be pure hell on the people putting this together. Do you know how hard it is to tell a kid he can't go because a better kid already signed up? Well then try to call that same kid back and tell him he can go because the other kid backed out! You already upset him by turning him down, now you are begging him to come back. And most likely he already made other plans for that weekend. If you are going to tell them you are going, please go. And if you have a VALID excuse, back out. But if it is one of those things where you decide that it is too expensive, or a birthday party came up, or some other BS, DON'T sign up to start with!!

The few trips that I have been involved with, this is easily the most FRUSTRATING thing to deal with.

If you give your word, your word should be good.

I know that noone is purposely trying to make life hard for these guys putting this together, but please understand just how much work it takes to put it together, and respect that.

Not trying to sound too harsh, but also want to paint a picture of it takes to do this.

Last edited by doug747; 04/08/10 01:58 AM.