Originally Posted By: Lucas Baker
Originally Posted By: FalconCoach
LOL.... Lucas.. after our recent PM's, I hope you believe that I will be 100% unbiased! I will bring in Nigel Isom to assist and we will record just in case we need to hit up instant replay to make sure we got a call right! Wichita Heights is 1 mile from the Kansas Coliseum where you used to compete for State Champinships!!!!!

I will sell tickets and give prize money 75% to winner, 25% to the second place guy! Notice I did not say loser, as no man can be a loser if he is willing to be out of the sport this long and step back on the mat! I do request you both wear singlets!!! Just so I can put it on Youtube and make millions off the number of hits I will get across the world! Advertisers will be knocking down my dooor!

Your words make it sound like you already know who is going to win. There is a reason they have 215 and 285 after 189 it is just not fair.
I just started taking my Mega Men Vitamins, I cant wait!

Lucas, I have no clue who would win. You are a good 320 lbs and I know Beeson was a beast in his day! This could be the vintage battle for sure. Maybe similiar to Shawn Michael's v. Brett Hart!!! I would not bet money either way on winning or losing. I would bet however, on who's lungs will blow up first!!! hahah!

You might need to shave and wear a head garment to contain that hair! I will load you some headgear if you need it!

One thing I know, I got to work and read this thread and can't quit smiling!