To all the organizers of this tournament I have a huge bone to pick with you...
I just spent almost 3 hours in a car with Zack Bowen and Spencer Tracy and I could not get them to shut up or stop laughing or sharing stories about their awesome experience the entire way.
They had an awesome time and all I heard was that kid was a beast and this kid was awesome and this kid was so cool and that coach was so nice....
They also talked about they got to make sure they do good next year to be considered to come back.
This is an awesome thing that you guys do for KS kids and our sport. I would HIGHLY encourage you to get this info out sooner next year and maybe do flyers or contact clubs directly.
The KS teams all did well but we left some studs at home and had a few empty spots. I know with a little more support and commitment from the wrestling community KS could be even more of a dominating factor in the years to come!

Thank You from The Tracy and the Bowen Families!!!