Originally Posted By: Cokeley
Everyone who reads this forum loves wrestling. I hope this is one point that no one will argue. smile

Lately it appears from reading some of the posts that some posters are opposed to rankings being published on forum. I really have no idea what possible issue any wrestling proponent could have against rankings. In Colorado Tim Yount, an Atwood native, publishes rankings for every class in Colorado. WIN Magazine, Wrestling USA, USA Wrestling, The Open Mat, IntermatWrestle, FloWrestling, Highschoolwrestling.com, etc all attempt to rate/rank/predict the order of the wrestlers. They do this to promote interest and discussion. Our sport needs this! Football, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, etc all have rankings and some of those are really never resolved and are argued for years and decades after the season closes. Debate is healthy and generates even more interest in our sport. I think we should be nothing but THANKFUL for Chief Renegade. He doesn't have a dog in the fight but his passion and dedication are second to none. He has nothing but accuracy in mind, no bias or favortism. We should all embrace this and refrain from posting criticism directed at him.

Maybe you could compare and contrast this level of perceived “criticism” to the level of criticism you have displayed in some of your past posts pertaining to KHSHAA, Rick Bowden, 321A, or other target of your interest. I’ve not seen any mean spirited out of line post regarding anyone choosing to rank wrestlers, just a few good natured jabs at the process. I guess you have never seen ESPN personalities discuss the BCS system?

Don’t get me wrong here, I agree with a lot of your past posts and you certainly have every right to post whatever opinion you choose. Keep them coming! But you will have to forgive me for not using you as my moral compass on what I can “criticize” or to what level that criticism reaches.

Last edited by Ben Dover; 10/14/10 09:12 AM.

Steve Earle