Originally Posted By: bubbasmom77
[b]I was told on an earlier post that we do not yet have a viable definition of a novice wrestler [/b]and that concerns me as I gave a suggestion very similar to that of Oklahoma and got no response.

And there never will be one that fits all situations. Let each novice tournament make their own definition and leave it at that. If you or I don't like a particular tournament's definition then we should not attend that tournament.

Originally Posted By: bubbasmom77
Novice state would take care of the issues that are arising with the 6 under conflict.

No it won't because then you will REALLY have arguments about what constitutes a novice competitor!

Originally Posted By: bubbasmom77
If you want to see the perfect definition of a novice wrestler look at Oklahoma.

I've never seen anything about Oklahoma that even approached "perfect" but I suppose there could always be a first. Regardless of how you word the definition there will always be those that disagree, those that don't fit that definition even though they belong, and those that abuse that definition.