Last year we went to the Ted Anderson tournament. thought it was the best thing in the world. when our club were trying to decide what tournaments to wrestle this year this dilema came up as to go to ted anderson or sprawls. well if we cant get our own kansas kids to this tournament how the hell will it ever grown. all the clubs were complaining last year about how small it was but still failed to show. you actually think most out of state kids are going to say hey lets go to kanas and wrestle today. no it has never been that way with the exception of wichita classic and thats because its the week after oklahoma state. we will get a few here and there unless we can get the best kansas kids to help make this grow. im glad our club decided to back kansas wrestling this year and will continue to do so in the future. i just hope that eventually everyone that wants to have a nationals in kansas will get on board with it. once the other states start losing 100 kansas kids at their tournaments they will start coming here for this tournament. i will continue to go to some oklahoma tournaments in the future also. thank you to you guys that chose to run this tournament. as for the reffing yes there were some but you were all told that there were 2 refs doing it for the first time. wish they would have put them with maybe the young kids and not some of the more skilled ages to start off a career. that place would be a good place to hold any wrestling tournament.

Scott Bockover