It's my opinion that selected satellite weigh-ins do not save us money? For example, If a tournament won't have Saturday morning weigh-ins (and i'm fine with that), and I have to drive 45 minutes to weigh my kid in, I now have two choices....1)get a motel and stay the night, or 2)drive back home, then get up in the morning and drive to the tournament. Either way it costs me more money.

Satellite weigh-ins are more of a convenience than anything. I think if we are going to have satellite weigh-ins, we should allow each club to weigh their team. Obviously there would be some exceptions...qualifiers and state are no-brainers. Salina for the simple fact that this tournament is one of the toughest tournaments in the State (if not the toughest) and should be held to a higher standard. I would also think maybe Maize and Haysville due to the fact that they give out rings and belts (I guess awards like these may cause someone to cheat).

I'm curious to know what you all think.

Greg Pelland