Originally Posted By: shwrestlingmom
It is a job that they get paid for. Every job I have had has an evaluation process every year and if your doing good you get to keep your job and maybe a raise. If you suck you get demoted or fired. Why should this job be any different?!

what makes this job different than the one you do currently is this.

- you applied
- you qualified
- you were chosen
- you suck
with me so far??? your words not mine, btw. i was called earlier in the week by the head referee at chanute to come ref. i had a previous engagement, could not. so they scrambled, to find replacements.
still with me???
here it comes, THERE ARE FEW REPLACEMENTS, unlike your prestigious job where someone is waiting in the wings to step in. after reffing for 1 year, i will tell you it's tough, at times, but like anything else you get better with experience.

how many of you, are better at your job after 10 years than you were when you started???

i wouldn't mind having and evaluation, but are you all willing to pay an extra $5 to $10 per entry fee to cover the expense of that salary? maybe each club in the state could throw in from their profits to cover it. seriously think about that, you would need a head ref, plus an auditor at every tournament, every weekend.

how about we promote people who have never been a referee or a wrestler to be the auditor. isn't that the way your job is? don't you all just love it, at your job, when you get a new boss, 25 yrs old, fresh out of college, never worked a day in his life. don't you like it when a customer calls and chews your a**! maybe it should be like the Major League Baseball all-star balloting, the fans vote, no flaws in that system. How about Kansas Wrestling go out and recruit the BCS they get it right all the time. don't they?

great discussions here, please keep coming up with good solutions, contact will cokeley (chairman of the Referee Educational Forum and Evaluation and Review committee), and don't forget to attend the state meeting and place your votes.

all kidding aside here people, i do think we need some sort of education, evaluation, and promotion process, but i haven't seen anyone including cokeley do anything but bring it up. let's here some ideas that will work, let's put the whole thing in motion. stop complaining, stop waiting for someone else to take over, step up, and take it on. if you settle for what you have, you deserve what you get.

Last edited by HEADUP; 01/09/11 12:40 PM. Reason: too many typos good thing i'm not a secretary i'd be fired b/c i suck

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"