Originally Posted By: .........
Ok J Dale.... You are starting to act like Beeson. I've been polite to you, you should return the favor. You know as well as I that Beeson's Mouth opens it own can of worms at times. Don't know how that happenned as I think back to his old High School team. I don't think he dominated the wrestling room any of the 4 years he was in AC. In fact they probably had to mop him up with the skin infections after practice...... Should have came out far more humble BEESON!

There is definatley no shame for not being the top dog in the wrestling room that Beeson came from. Several wrestlers came off the JV squad to win multilple state titles. That wreslting room was full of two, three, and four time state champions!

Probably the best teams to ever come from Kansas!

I don't think I need to remind you because it sounds like were pretty close to action.

"Stats are for losers. Final scores are for winners." Bill Belicheck