Nice work Ricky, I commend you for taking my "challenge" here. At least apparently that is what you must have thought it was since you were compelled to respond. If I could reach you, I would give you a big ole pat on the back.

But only 7 brackets for all of 3/2/1A and 4A. I said not too many and 7 really isn't that many.

Sorry to be so belated with my response. I wasn't going to respond at all because I didn't think it would help. It would just stir the pot and create more comments that I would then have to respond to. But the more I thought about, I figured that you at least deserved some kind of response, especially after you put so much effort into digging up those brackets. So therefore what I was trying to avoid by not responding will surely come to fruition now. But like I said, I figured I owed you that.

Three of the brackets came from Norton, no surprise there as that regional is always the toughest in 3/2/1A and traditionally a beast. I don't want to be a d..k but honestly most of those kids are not that high caliber and there level of competition is low. I really don't want to be disrespectful, but that is really the way I see it. I am sure if you research their level of competition, etc. you would find that to be the case. How many were ranked or placed at state? How many were even anywhere close to cracking some kind of All Class Rankings?

Also couldn't help but notice that none of the only three precious 4A brackets that you provided were 16 man as they were 11, 13 and 11. Not really a lot more than 8. In fact, the average bracket size of all the 4A brackets is less 11.4. So much for the wah, wah, wah, 4A has to have 16 man brackets so 5A and 6A should too so obviously we should combine 5A and 6A.

But we can talk more about all of this later as I am positive that it will come up again after state.

Best wishes to all and to all a good day.