
The NFHS rule states that shoelaces must be secured. It was changed a couple of years back due to shoe manufacturers including lace straps in the design of their shoes. That being the case typically if a show does not have this mechanism then the laces need to be tapped as just tieing them and even double knotting them is not sufficient.

In USAWKS sanctioned tournaments however there is a kids modification Rule 4 which states

"The legality of all uniforms will be up to the referee, and need not conform to the NFSHSA rule."

Given this modification it is not strictly required that kids level competitor's laces be taped. I would caution however that I as the head official of any tournament would require laces to be taped if the shoe did not have a built-in mechanism, as that is my discretion. I suspect that the same will be true at sub-districts, districts, and the State tournament. All that being said, I would say it would be good to get in the habit of expecting it to be enforced by most officials.

Hope that answers your question.

William Nigel Isom
KSHSAA Official # 14274
USAWKS # 577
Riley KS