Originally Posted By: Mark J Stanley

Nix I don't think it can be justified. That is why I support the amendment to not allow exceptions at all.
One question for you...just how many OUT OF STATE wrestlers are you willing to admit to the USAWKS State Tournament?

like my other post, i am 100% against letting out of state wrestlers enter our state tournament. and i am with you on the 100% not to allow exceptions at all period. if you don't live in kansas you are not part of our state tourney.

all i am saying is these 8 oakies, have already been allowed 2 years in a row. ( THAT SHOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE ) to let them finish the season out. then implement the no exeptions rule. and then never to allow it again.

i am not rallying for me or these kids parents, i am rallying for these kids. they worked very hard to get where there at to have there dreams crushed in the middle of the season.

mark i have the up most respect for you and all the other board members and my comments are not meant to show any disrespect.

i just wish this would have been handled in the start of the season, instead of giving the signals, they should have just been told upfront it is not going to happen..

well i have said my peace, so good luck to you oklahoma wrestlers next year on getting to the oklahoma state tournament. tell the kids to keep there head held high.

"Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent"

jeff nix