Originally Posted By: Beeson
Chief, why ask a question you already know the answer to? Yes, these two wrestlers have achieved alot in their High School Careers. They do deserve to be congratulated on such stellar careers. It is debateable if they are the best ever on record alone though. 15 years ago 30 match seasons were pretty common. These days we see alot of kids getting 40-50 matches a season. Coaches are getting more bang for their buck on matches and competition points. In another 10 or 15 years kids will be getting 60-75 matches a year. This record will be passed and the same debate will begin all over again. These two names will be brought up again, and deservedly so. Congratulation Ryne and Taylor on great High School Careers.

Strange tone in your response Chad. I started this thread to recognize the milestone of Moeder and Cokeley and nobody EVER said "best ever". I said "one of the best". Other posts came in as if to say that this accomplishment was somehow subsequent to others. It's not a debate! Pure math determines the number of victories by a pair of classmates.

Why the envy?????????? Just applaud and move on, or you look ridiculous.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12