Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Coach, I do not believe spreading the tournament over three days is an option due to budget restraints on every school district. I saw none of the problems that you describe at the Coliseum and certainly wouldn't blame them on the use of three mats as opposed to four if I did. The day got much longer when they started wrestling out to 5th/6th place. Until then Saturday was filled with some much needed and well deserved breaks for the volunteers and coaches.

I too agree that I don't recall seeing any incidents involving parents, fans, coaches, officials etc... but that came directly from Mr. Bowden, stating those incidents had gone away. I remember how tough it was to eat at 10 on Friday night and be up and at it again the next day at 9, I can imagine a few parents coaches etc... being tired and more prone to argument. I love the 4 mats and Hays is a great experience for 321A and I have coached at one time or another in all of the classes.

"If it is to be, it is up to me!"