Awesome tourney! Tough wrestlers and brackets! Thanks everyone who put the tourney on again this year. Got to watch some great matches all day, with some match ups I've thought about all year! Long weekend, especially after sub districts but really worth it. I hope everyone got home safely with the roads and weather as bad as it is. We were down to 35 mph on some portions of I-70.

Also I wanted to tell Travis and Laura Stalford, Becky Clothier and I had a blast hanging out with you! Good people as are your boys. Was a pleasure to meet you!

Also thanks to Lil Jonnie Trowbridge for helping me clean up my boys bloody face and hands! Good kid who as a 5th grader, wanted so bad to be in the 75lb bracket!

Also Justin Rieschick is one tough kid! He's a battler and left it all on the mat!

Congrats to all those headed to Iowa as members of Team Kansas!

B. Star
Lawrence, KS
Sunflower Kids Wrestling Club
"Rivals on the mat, friends in life"