It is unfortunate that sometimes the parents instill in their kids that win at all cost attitude. I think we have all seen some parents push their kids to the point that the kid tries his or her best purely to satisfy the parent in just about every sport.

I have seen kids come off the mat on the losing end after giving everything they had only to be met by their father/coach and yelled at and sometimes even cussed at for not doing something else. I would hate to see how we as adults would handle that with an employer if we were treated like that at work.

I think when a kid is doing it for himself they still could suffer a meltdown, but I would bet the number of instances would be far less. I will say that I do appreciate some of those bone headed parents...I use them as an example I keep in my head so I won't act that way. I want my boy to love the sport...not do it for me. Wrestling is a great sport and probably the closest team sport our kids will ever be part of. Life is too short...enjoy it!!

Douglas Vahle