That is the point there isn't always a way, I was not trying to sound tough I was just being me, I wouldn't say anything on here that i wouldn't say to your face, not trying to intimidate you and i don't really care if you liked my response or not, you don't know everyones situation so for you you to get on here and act like a jacka@@ is stupid on your part.There are a lot of situations that come up that prevent kids from participating, maybe one of the parents was sick and unable to work for 4 months, maybe kids are going to college in august and the parents have those added expenses, All I was saying is the alcohol and shoe comment were stupid juvenile remarks and I thought an adult like yourself would know better. This will be my last post to you about this again anytime you want to discuss it further either call or look me up at a tournament, have a nice day
Tom Baughman