I have started to receive back the petitions from clubs, thank you very much. If you have not had a chance please try to do this in the next week as we would like to make sure the ADs get these in time for their meeting. The positive feedback continues to come in and I am hopeful this is the year a positive change takes place. It is my understanding that this decision is that of the ADs and with the help and support of Mr. Baldwin at Derby an email requesting that this issue be placed on their meeting agenda for later this month has gone out. In addition, a request has been made to KIAAA for their March meeting as well.

In hopes that we can offer solutions to possible conflicts please provide some insight if you are located in an area that has the early season. What are the start and end dates for wrestling & girls/boys basketball? Any other feedback is appreciated. Thanks

*****There will also be a petition availabe at the head table at the Derby Novice Championship. If attending please make an effort to come by and share your thoughts and sign!**********