Originally Posted By: dwelsh

I thought I read somewhere on here that we are not to resort to personal attacks/name-calling?

Board Rules
This is a free forum, created for the purpose of promoting Kansas wrestling, and those who wrestle, through the exchange of thoughts and suggestions, and for the recognition of the accomplishments of those involved in our sport. There are just two basic rules that are necessary to keep in mind. First, remember that this is a family oriented forum, and is regularly viewed by young wrestlers. Second, "cheap shots" will not be tolerated. If you are going to post a message critical of an individual, group or idea, you must give your true name and/or email address. Be willing to stand behind your comments, or keep them to yourself.

You will find I signed my name, as always. My target on the other hand, while taking a "cheap shot" did not have the integrity or courage to sign his name.

Richard D. Salyer