Originally Posted By: L.Geyer
I think the only way to end this argument is to convince more kids to go out for wrestling to fill all the spots on the teams.

Wrong, the only way to end this argument is to ban Lucas from the forum.
He should have been banned last year when he made the horrendous comments about a physically challenged kid and all the other asinine derogatory comments he has made over the last two years.

This forum is for the betterment of Kansas wrestling. Lucas is not interested in bettering Kansas wrestling. He just want to get on the forum and rant. If he were truly interested in making Kansas wrestling better, he would go through the appropriate channels and discuss his issues with the appropriate people. No, he gets on the forum and bashes classes and towns that OUR Kansas kids wrestle for. Does he not understand that when he bashes a class or town, he is bashing OUR kids, their families and their programs and communities? He even bashes OUR kids with losing records. Does he not know that those same kids that he declares are not worthy and their parents read the forum? Does he not care about how insulting he is and how he is insulting them? Apparently not. And if that is the case, then that only justifies my suggestion even more that he be banned.

This whole thing is ridiculous and I can't believe that we let it go on. Lucas wants people to listen to and consider his points but he doesn't listen to or consider others points. He wants people to respect him and his opinion but he doesn't respect other people and their opinions. Lucas is a terrible reflection on Kansas wrestling. He is making us all look bad. He has already been pretty much denounced by Abilene and that should say enough right there. What does he think that people from other states think when they read about this stuff? Does he even care? Apparently not. And if he doesn't care about Kansas wrestling to the point that he is embarrasing with no regard, then that only justifies my suggestion even more that he be banned.

So I make a motion that Lucas be banned from the forum until he can prove that he can follow the guidelines and be a positive reflection on Kansas wrestling and try to be mature and professional and do things the right way instead of saying terrible things about others to advance his point. He is clearly being a selfish person that just needs attention.